in #science7 years ago

Human activities through construction and reconstruction have obliterated the floras and faunas, excess heat has permeated the water and patently affected sea lives. Cosmic rays have done little to ameliorate the devastating curdle. Insidious incineration has contributed to high emission of greenhouse gases which are domicile in the atmosphere and has further exacerbate the earth's surface. We’re at a crossroad, a defining moment demanding tough policy adoption and drastic implementation.

Climate change has innocuously been a gradual and ageless event that has bereft man for a prolonged period, the tide seems to be changing as there appears to be spontaneous catastrophic event coaxed by the mellifluous effect of climate change. Climate change is used interchangeably with the word “global warming” which simply is the perpetual increase in atmospheric temperature as a result of anthropogenic (man) effort. Retrospectively classical society was intriguing, blissful. Notably, on a cold dark night we sat close to a brimming fire, our grandmother would tell us stories of how enthralling their time as youths was and we palpably reply by our own moral conjectures, she would tell us how they used to fetch water from the stream which was distilled like a filtered spring, she said that the moon would shine with vigor that the vegetation glitters like petals of roses beside the Mississippi river. We had lots of trees and was a virtue to behold.


Years have passed and changes have taken effect, once clement cloud has now turned the nightmare of an estranged masses. We’re met by the trajectory of human-nature face-off concocted by our own misdemeanor and insouciant alacrity for development and globalization. Our quest for peace has now transgressed to chaos, our goodness has degenerated to offence. Our filtered stream has become a harbor of littered waste products, the trees which we used to receive the radar of heavenly wind is no more, once a forest now turned a dejected desert, our little memories as kids have become wiped off, our farm produce no longer performs well, it is now a different world with a different taste, different savor, so dynamic that the orchestrators of change would not understand.

The trees wail only to be pruned down and greeted by our conscious mercilessness without surrogate attachment, species have only gone extinct at our own peril, the sun shows no mercy and further wither our blighted heart of iniquity, the trees are gone, the birds that pester melody at the branch of these trees have all gone, our homes are hotter, we lean next to an artificially generated air that has only done more but debilitate our health. Our mild mud and thatch houses have disappeared with no trace, our skin could feel the scorching heat, our eyes have turned sore and our lips could mutter little and our hands could do only less. The further it gets, the more it worsens.

We cut down trees only to make furniture that has laid perch of flies in our homes, this has only worsened the effect of deforestation while afforestation is on the decline, we have changed the cycle and dynamics of our ecosystem, we've built castles and houses on an unnavigable land (swamps) and this has led to debilitating effect on the adjacent areas. We've flared notable amount of gas that should have been channeled towards electricity supply or to warm up our home and power up our streets. Our destructive action of indiscriminate bush burning has led to the extinction and forced migration of viable flora and fauna.

Our planets have no barricade against the scorching effect of the sun due to excessive depletion of the ozone layer, the flora and fauna are deranged of energy supply. As a result, our actions has led to the perpetual increase of subsurface and surface temperature, this is accompanied by the excessive melting of ice. The only amenable instrument to combating the nefarious effect of climate change is the same instrument that has aided in its exasperating effect, i.e. technology,

Facts according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) temperature is estimated to rise from 2.5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit in the coming years. The dilemma of climate change is real.

Spread the news!!!

I am working on creating a climate change campaign live on this platform, live sustainably, talk sustainability and preach it.


Thank you for sharing this informative piece. I am fully behind the cause but do feel you have sensationalized it a small bit. We need to highlight the positive efforts too, showing that change is possible.
The ozone layer is the best example. Due to a collective international effort of over 200 countries, formalized in the Montreal Protocol of 1987, the ozone layer has recently been observed to be recovering, and if progress continues, it is estimated to be back to pre 1980 levels by 2050 in northern latitudes.
To balance the above though, the most optimistic forecasts for the faith of our coral reefs is not so positive, even if vast improvements are implemented immediately. Up to 25% of the worlds marine fish species depend on the reefs.
Far more does need to be done, but a more absolving approach could be more encouraging.

Reference of Ozone recovery: