How to generate more Energy in your life

in #science7 years ago

How to generate more Energy in your life!

Happy week everyone! My name is Kyriakos Kyriakides, Founder of Team LEGACY, your mentor, and your coach! 

How are today? Ready to crush your week? Ready to have an amazing Monday? :D Today I am going to discuss with you an amazing topic! First, I would love to share with you that the last 3 days I attended an amazing and incredible seminar with so many powerful entrepreneurs! In this seminar I learned so many new things that I am going to share with you in the next articles that I am going to write! I was taught from incredible people as it is Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Pitbul (exactly, the singer! Except of just a singer, he is an Incredible Entrepreneur), the David  Negreanu (top Income earner in Poker History), Rob Dyrdek (I am sure you already know him :P ) and so many other incredible Entrepreneurs and Thought Leaders!

Today's topic is from the Seminar that I attended with the incredible Tony Robbins! Today I am going to talk to you about Energy, and specifically how you can generate more energy! When I am saying about energy, I am talking about how you can be more energetic, how to have a positive mode, how to be more happy, and more powerful! Imagine that if you know how to have more energy, how to be able to change your mood you will have the ability to live a more beautiful life! Of course this topic is HUGE, so I can't cover it in 1 article (probably not even 1 book can cover a topic so huge! :P ). For that reason, today I am going to share with you only some basic principles in order for you to get the general picture and of course some basic practices!

Scientists and researches along the years have proven that everything around us is energy! Even a house that it seems still, and that doesn't move, it is from pure energy! There are so many scientific researches that prove this information. Even the Charisma and the skills we have in life, are pure energy! Let me ask you a question. Have you ever saw a person, let's say a singer, that he or she is not beautiful but when he or she starts to sing he/she looks gorgeous?! How does this happen? Why he looks so beautiful when he starts to sing? The answer is because of his charisma. Charisma is Energy! When a singer starts to sing, his whole charisma flows around his body! Specifically his whole body flows with energy, and that's why we see him so gorgeous when he starts singing! When we feel happy, positive, powerful, motivated, and all this amazing feelings, what we actually do is that we generate High Level energy! Now, when we feel sad, depressed, discouraged, and such bad feelings, the we produce low level energy!

By going even deeper from the statements above, we get to ask different questions as it is: "Can we really change our Mode from Negative to Positive?" , "Can we generate High level energy? And if yes, how can we generate it?" First of all let's answer the question of how we generate energy. Many people say that we generate energy by eating food. But is that true? How do you feel after the Thanks Giving diner? Are you in the mood of working out? I don't think so, you are in the mood of sleeping! Other people say that we generate energy by sleeping. But is that true? How many times did you took an 8-9 hours sleep in the night and you woke up still tired? If we don't generate energy with Sleep or food, how do we generate energy?

The answer to the question above, is that We Generate Energy from Psychology & Emotion! We pay so many successful people only because they produce huge amounts of energy! Pitbull is one of the most successful people and what he does when he sings and he dance, he just produce huge amounts of energy! Pitbull's talent is pure energy! So why not have that energy ourselves? Why not learn how we can generate that energy ourselves too and even let people pay US?! :P

Now, in order to learn how to generate energy ourselves, we have to first understand what Emotion is. Emotion is Energy in Motion! In order for us to generate High Levels of Energy we can do it with 3 different ways: 1) The first way is by changing our Physiology, 2) The second way by changing where we focus on, 3) The third way is to change the words we use.

The first way is by changing our Physiology. What exactly means that? It mean by changing the way that our body is! To change the way we use our body, the way we stand, and the way we move! The more movement we have in our body, the more energy we produce. The more energy we produce the more we enjoy in life. Take this simple example. I want you to talk to a person like you afraid to talk to him because he will reject you, and you are full of fear. How do you move? How do you talk? Do you talk loud or low? Do you talk with passion or with hesitation? Does your body is full of energy or you feel a bit down? Now, I want you to talk to that person like he is a loved one of yours that you didn't see for many years! Talk to him with so much excitement, so much happiness, and so much passion! Don't you feel more happy? Don't you feel more energized? That's the power of changing our physiology! We can change our physiology in a moment! The way you act and move, you will feel! We can feel sad, but when you start jumping up and down few times, you will feel more happy, because you change your physiology.

The second way is by changing where you focus on! Let's say that you want to get out of debt. You have a huge debt, and it creates a lot of stress and anxiety in your life, you are never able to cover the monthly payments, and you always worry. When you always focus on what you DON'T WANT, guess what you always have in your mind... When you always focus on that you want to get out of debt, you don't want that debt anymore, you always have in your mind the debt. Where focus goes, energy flows! Now, instead of you focusing on your debt, focus on you making more money! Focus on ways that you can make more money. Maybe you can start a business from home, maybe you can work as a freelancer to make extra income streams, anything! Once you shift where you focus your mind your energy and your mood instantly change! You can even focus on something that is not real! But because it is in your mind, even if it's not true, you believe it! So instead of focusing on the problem you want to solve, focus on the solution!

The third way that we can generate energy is by changing our words! With just one word you can change the perspective of a person! If I say to you: "I have that ok friend of mine, that I think you are going to like him." how will you feel about my friend? If I say to you: "I have that amazing friend of mine, that I think you are going to like him!" now how do you feel about my friend? With just one word you can change the way a person feels about someone, and that way you can generate High Levels of Energy!

That way I cover the 3 ways we can change our state and generate a lot more High Levels energy. When you truly understand that you will be able to change your mood, and generate high levels of energy in a moment!

That's all for today's episode! I hope I delivered you my point for today's topic! Watch today’s episode on DTude (on YouTube)  in order to understand the concept of energy! Energy and generating energy, is a HUGE concept and topic that can't be explained in just one article! But with this article you can understand the main principles of Energy, and the main practices in order for you to be able to change your mood in your daily life, and also generate High Levels energy!

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 My name is Kyriakos Kyriakides, Founder of the Team LEGACY, your mentor and your coach, and I am a WORLD CHANGER!     

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Your friend and brother,    

Kyriakos Kyriakides    

Founder of Team Legacy   

I AM A WOR(l)D CHANGER        




If you believe it you can achieve anything. That's true. Great article and as you said let's all focus on the solution and not on the problem of something.

exactly brother!!! always focusing on the solution! this will change dramatically our life and will make us feel more positive and empower!