67/5000 6 Unique Facts About the Body That Can Not Be Scientifically Explained

in #science6 years ago


Undeniably, science teaches us many things. Experts and researchers have conducted many studies in the name of science. Unfortunately, there are still many things in this world that cannot be explained logically and cannot be explained by science. Here are facts about the body that are still a mystery, but they are real:

  1. Hypnic Jerk

This is a situation where when you are on the verge of sleep, you suddenly feel like you are falling, stumbling, or pushed from a high place. And your body reacts the same as when you actually fell, so that you were almost asleep, so jumped up again. There are several theories that attempt to explain this phenomenon, from the beginning our ancestors who used to sleep in trees and hypnic jerks are natural reactions that we get from our ancestors so as not to fall from the tree while sleeping, until the brain is still awake when the body is asleep so that the brain "panics" because the body becomes "paralyzed" unable to move.

  1. Sneezing the Sun

Sun sneezing, or light sneezing reflexes, is a phenomenon that causes people to sneeze when they look at bright light. This is why the people who had wanted to sneeze, but did not make it, were advised to look at the bright lights to remove the sneezing that had faltered.

  1. Fingerprint

Everyone has different fingerprints, making it an identity for each individual. Normally, every line, wrinkle, and twist of our body is the result of repeated movements of folding, straightening, and contracting. Not with fingerprints. Fingerprints are on the fingers without cause.

  1. Sleep

Sleep is actually quite a "strange" thing and cannot be explained what really happened when we slept. The ability to sleep to revive our energy is actually quite strange, despite people's belief that it is indeed the main function of sleep. However, the human body can get energy from food, while the energy collected during sleep is only a little, about 50 kcal, and that far exceeds the amount of energy you have to spend when awake. So, actually sleep is not to collect energy. There are also those who say that sleep can maintain brain function, giving him time to rest so that it is not constantly flooded with information from the sensors of the human body. When we don't sleep, our brain functions will begin to decline. 17 hours of awake without sleep will bring our brain function down to the same level as when we drink alcohol to the specified limit.

  1. Laugh

Although this is what we often do every day, experts still cannot be fully sure why humans laugh and why humans are the only species capable of doing that. Laughter isn't always related to humor. The person who laughs just for the sake of courtesy in responding to someone else's joke is the proof.

  1. Lefty

Only about 10% of the human population is left-handed, and no one has ever really known why. The fact that humans are more inclined to one side of the body is quite confusing to scientists, because other mammal creatures do not actually depend on the left side of their bodies (except for some monkeys and polar bears). If you say this is related to the brain, in fact it is not so. Left-handed people have the same ability and brain capacity as normal people. Regardless of the norms and values ​​of people who consider the left hand of the hand "bad", in fact there are still those who use this hand as their dominant hand.