Some of West Africa’s Deadliest Viper Snakes that kill Humans with One Bite
Are Vipers Africa's creeping nightmare
The viper has a cool name but there is nothing cool about this snake. On a scale of 1-10 to grade how dangerous this snakes is, it would score 20 out of 10. Yes! Is deadly, spooky and a relentless killer.
If you see a snake with triangle -shaped head, then evacuate the vicinity immediately because you have encountered the viper. You will most likely find this snake sneaking around at night time looking for food. The vipers are known to live a sort of scent on its victim,ie. should a rat escape after being bitten, the viper could follow the trails of 'scent' it injected into the rat. crazy right!
If you are unfortunate to be bitten by this snake then you should go to a hospital immediately. The venom it injects into the body of its prey can cause paralysis, decomposition of the affected area and consequently a painful death.
Below, I present some of Africa's Bad Boys
The Goldiee Cobra

The Goldiee cobra is a tree climbing snake that can span a length of almost 3meters. It climbs tree doesn’t mean it swallows mango, No! Like most other snakes it is venomous; it is one of the most venomous snakes in Africa. It is very agile and quick, so don’t think you are smart. It can move quickly be it on land, a tree or even in water.
Although very shy and usually avoids contact with humans at all cost but when provoked, could live an unfortunate human- at the brink of death.
It has the typical hoody head of a cobra, it also has a spiky tail which it uses to climb trees or for self defence. The Goldee Cobra doesn’t look for trouble, it however would not tolerate being disturb. Most people who were bitten by this snake are no longer alive. Be warned!
The puff adder

The puff adder is a variety of Viper snakes that contains one of the smallest (28cm) to one of the largest (over 2m) viper snakes, they are moderately to extremely stout vipers of the African peninsular. They are usually found in small bushes hence would be encountered by humans.
They are the ambushing type of hunters; they would lay still even when being approached, making the chances of getting bit even higher. Chances of survival from this species depend on factors like the size of the snake, the quantity of venom injected, and the location of the bite.
When threatened some are known to inflate and deflate their bodies accompanied with hissing as a territorial display. Survival from this snakes bite is dependent on location, being bitten in a remote area would amplify chances of death, otherwise seek medical assistance immediately Their long fangs can penetrate soft leather, so wear thick boots when going into the bush where this snakes are known to dwell.
The Causus

The Causus also known as night adder is another viper snake, unlike other vipers it possess no clear distinction between its head and body. They are known to get greedy at times; eating till their belly can no longer house any food. It has a cylindrical slender body, and not so much of a potent venom. However. Precautions should be made to avoid getting bit from this snake.
An adult human may recover from being bitten but a child may not. A bite from this monster may require amputation of the limb should the venom cause irreversible damage and shows sign of spreading to other parts of the body.
It also hisses when threatened so you should hear a warning sign before getting bit.
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