Studying the universe from a microscopic view

Candidate Higgs boson events from collisions between protons in the LHC. Image source wikipedia
Greetings, how are you steemit friends? Glad to meet you again and hopefully healthy always. As we have discussed previously that physics has poisoned me slowly in the past few weeks, I am still in the process of learning and trying to gather references to what is still a question in our known world.
How do we review the universe in a microscopic way, what is the role of matter in the universe, (nature working from subatomic scale, micro to billions of light/observable universe-93,000,000,000 light years observed by our current technology). We are shaped from very small mechanical order to very large formations up to billions of light years, meaning that the whole universe is very precise from subatomics to billions of light years and an enormous order is actually derived from a very small order (subatomic ).
As we know, that to know a very big thing (billions of light years) to a very small (subatomic) requires enormous costs, such as when we build a galaxy telescope to see the very distant universe conditions that cost which is very large, as well as seeing the very small structure of the universe also requires enormous costs.
Until now humans have just reached the so-called elementary particle knowledge that is used as a standard model. Thus the smallest known particles today are the electrons with their effective radius 10-19 m, and also the Quark that acts as a Baryon particle former (the heavier particles of the electrons).
When we want to know the structure of the universe that requires billions of US dollars, it takes about 5 years to build a research center, then built Large Hadron Collider (LHC) located in Geneva, Switzerland with a circumference of about 27 KM, below 150 m from ground level to minimize the effects of earth surface vibration. The LHC was made into a consortium of several countries and the energy generated in June 2015 is about 13 TeV.

Standard model of elementary particles. Image source wikipedia
What is produced from several studies conducted by experts from 1960 to 2015? They found some basic elements, namely, Leptons (6 particles), Quarks. In this standard model, there are so-called intermediate vector bosons, gluons, photons, there could be new findings in this year (I have not updated) and in 2011-2012 are Higgs boson particles.
Why are Higgs particles important?
Among the uses of Higgs particles is to explain why an object can have a mass known as a mechanism.
Of the several basic particles mentioned above, it can only explain three interactions.
- Electromagnetic
- Weak Nuclear
- Strong Nuclear
It's just that some of the basic particles we mentioned above just ignore gravity, gravity is considered very potential to explain about the galaxy or a very large scale. In other words, when we try to explain gravity on a sub-atomic scale that also has mass we will have difficulties. In general, when we try to explain large-scale structures like galaxies and so on (large-scale structure) can use the classical theory of gravity, but difficult when we try to explain the scale of subatomic, so we have to use the theory of quantum mechanics.
![]() | A panoramic view of the cosmic galaxy that can be explained by the theory of gravity, but difficult to explain by the theory of quantum mechanics.[pixabay] |
Between the theory of gravity and the theory of quantum mechanics, it can only be used on a certain scale. Which theory is correct to explain a determination? until now experts are still trying to find the right answer.
The universe still remains a mystery to humans, one of them in physics, as I mentioned above that researchers have built a consortium center in Europe that spends a great deal of money since 1960s research on the matter of the universe still continues.
Over 30 years researchers finally found some basic materials, you can imagine how much money is spent just to find some basic material. Until now researchers are still working to solve the mystery of this vast universe.
This is the only thing I can write on this occasion, over all the mistakes and lack of unintentional writing as a servant of God, I apologize.
Thanks to friends who have visited this blog and provided constructive comments, as well as scientists who are willing to sacrifice their time for a better civilization.
As we know that the Higgs particle is a basic particle introduced a few years ago, we also know that the discovery of this matter is one of the major steps in modern science that is constantly evolving, but I do not want to speculate at this stage, because we know that the Higgs particle differs from the understanding of gravity because there is no gravity there.
We also know that the theory of classical gravity has long been introduced by our scientists, but I want to explain in the above article is when we try to describe a scale that has a large size structure such as galaxies and others can be explained by the classical theory of gravity approach, when we try to make an approach to subatomic scale structure can be explained by approach of quantum physics theory.
Then when we try to examine a large-scale structure such as galaxies and so forth, it takes a lot of money. and the unique thing is also true when we try to examine the structure of the subatomic scale. a unique equation I think :)
To facilitate your understanding of this post, you can read a post from our researcher @lemouth, he is a researcher who deepens the field of physics, steem on
Active link reference: boson mechanics
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Best regards @kharrazi
Why do you want to link the Higgs to gravity? This is not the reason why it has been introduced at all. I am not sure to follow you here. In rough words, the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism has been introduced to model the elementary particle masses, and the price to pay is an extra guy, the Higgs boson. There is no gravity in there...
this seems to be the effect of my lack of sleep that suffered in these weeks prof, so I experienced hallucinations, ahahah
but I will try to fix it in the future
thanks for your comment prof :)
Why in the future? Please do it now :)
Ok, I have fixed it prof :)
If I can self advertise myself, you should have a look to my lecture notes. This may clear up a few things that sound confusing from your post . ;)
Ok prof :P
Materi ini bisa memberikan pengetahuan dan edukasi terbaru untuk pembaca. Apalagi orang-orang malas membaca buku seperti saya dan lebih suka melihat smartphone.. Dan melupakan pentingnya mencari tau hal dari sebuah buku 😄😄😄
agree with you my brother @kharrazi, a lot of expense has been spent to research the universe, not excited about microscopic. However, physics works with emperic and the emperic world needs empirical tools as well. these tools have cost a lot of money. thank you bang. I've gained more knowledge after reading this article.