Modern Day Edgar Cayce/Nostradamus

in #science8 years ago


Do you believe in fore tellers or foreseers – someone who makes future predictions?  I’m not referring to chartists who uses charts of financial data to predict future trends, but a person who has an innate ability utilizing spiritual or practical skills to forecast future events.  Most people have, of course, heard of fortune tellers, and astrologists but don’t take them very serious.  There are very few truly gifted people in this line of work. I would say that at least 90% are charlatans using trickery to convince the gullible.  However, if anyone had of told me 8 years ago that it’s possible to forecast specific future events utilizing the Internet I would have looked at them sideways ready to sprint away.  Yet, I’m here to tell you that such a person exists! Some of you may already know him.  His work is known as the Web bot Predictive Linguistics, and I’m referring to Clif High!

This is Clif:

I consider Clif a remarkable human being who is here on earth at a time when humanity is at a crossroads.   Clif’s Web bot reports offers those who have the eyes to see insight into the future with direction.  It is possible to stay one, two, or even three steps ahead of events if you know what the future holds, and how to prepare for it.  Now, I’m not a tech person so bear with me as I attempt to explain what the Web bot is, and how it is able to make predictions.


The Web bot is a computer program developed by Clif High that went live in 1997.  His original purpose was to make money by predicting stock market action.  The premise of the Web bot is that Clif believes humans are unknowingly psychic.  To capitalize on this premise, Clif created the Web bot program devised of four components.  The first component is comprised of bots or spyders that go out onto the Internet and sifts through news articles, blogs, forums, and other forms of Internet chatter.  The second component involves processing that removes unwanted data.  The third is the lexicon or dictionary which are words in various languages that are assigned numeric values based on emotional quantifiers such as duration, impact, immediacy, and intensity.  Clif says the emotional intensity of the words leaking out onto the Internet are the result of human psychic intuition.  To capture this, Clif created a giant search engine specifically looking for “distilled bits of intuition” on the Internet.  The lexicon is dynamic, and changes according to shifts in emotional tension, and how humans communicate those changes using the Internet.  And the fourth component comprises a huge database that runs in computer language SQL (Sequel) where Clif does data mining.  The final step to this process is data interpretation.  The process brings up language that’s likely to appear after an event so that Clif receives words that are used to “talk” about an event, as opposed to describing an event.  Interestingly, Clif says that words that the sypders have picked up from language on the Internet used to talk about an event does not necessarily mean the event will happen.  I'll mention this aspect again later.

This is obviously the work of a highly skilled, and I would say gifted, person.  In fact, Clif High is a very talented Software Engineer by trade who has worked for the likes of Microsoft, GEC Marconi Oil & Gas, and various airline companies, specializing in writing code for “high end” projects.  He knows a number of computer languages, including C, C++, Prolog, ASM, etc.  Now, I’ve been following Clif’s work since 2010.  He use to release IDIRs (Intelligence Data Interpretation Reports), but now releases Alta Reports, and Wujos (shortened versions of Alta reports or specific topics) every month.  These can be found on his website,  Now, I must admit that when I started reading the reports in 2010 it was like learning a foreign language, but I found certain sentences and paragraphs comprehensible so I continued wading through the reports looking to make sense of some information.  As much as I found his reports confusing and strange I also found them intriguing.  I continued reading and listening (IDIRs were mostly audio at the time) until I understood the patterns and terminology, such as “Immediacy Data”, “Space Goat Farts”, “Meta Data Layer”, “Temporal Echo”, “Modelspace”, and more.  

Now Clif says that the Web bot has forecast many large events, including 9/11, 2003 East coast Blackout, 2004 Southeast Asia Earthquake and Tsunami, and the 2010 Deep Water Horizon Oil Disaster.  The Web bot has also forecast events, such as the increase in meteor activity in 2013, the rise of Bitcoin, Earth Changes (increased sinkholes, earthquakes, and volcanic activity), and the collapse of the global economic system – which is in progress.  As Clif says, the Web bot is not 100% accurate, but is better than chance.  Errors can and do occur because of things like timelines being off or erroneous interpretation of data.  And as mentioned above, bad interpretations can be made based off of language that has been processed, but the event never happens.  So, in effect, language shows up using words to talk about the after effects of a non-event.  I don’t know if that makes sense, and it makes my head spin so I’ll stop there!

When the Web bot successfully forecasts an event that actually happens it’s called a “hit”.  And the first hit I encountered was the Deep Water Horizon Oil Disaster.  I remember seeing words in Clif’s reports, such as “Blu Flu” to describe the ill effects of people and animals who were affected by the BP oil spill that caused degradation to the environment.  The Deep Water Horizon event occurred in April of 2010, yet I read the language talking of this event in February/March of the same year.  And, in fact, people were coming down with symptoms, similar to the flu, from breathing toxic oil fumes, as well as the chemical, Corexit, used to break up the oil.  As a note, I've quoted directly from the Web bot reports. Here’s some language that appeared in the Web bot Alta report from February 2010, "Ocean changes linked to volcanoes" (lots of volcanic activity and the oil blowout itself has been compared to a 'volcano' of oil), "many areas of coastal habitat are forecast to be effectively forbidden for use."  Now, although there was no reported volcano at the bottom of the Gulf, there was plenty of chatter on the Internet during and after the event describing volcanic like activity, and speculations about the possible presence of an ancient volcano due to the ferocity of the spewing oil from the floor of the sea. So, the Web bot picked up on that language.  I find this amazing!

The next big forecast I distinctly remember is the phenomenon of sink holes occurring globally.   Clif says this is due to the “expando planet model.”

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According to Clif, the planet is in an expansion phase due to growing plasma in the center of the earth which is fed through the energy of the sun.  As the plasma grows it pushes against the solid matter of the earth causing earthquakes, sinkholes, and volcanic activity.  This language was in Clif’s reports from the time I started reading them in 2010, but well before that even as I've heard.  It was in 2011 that the horrific 9.0 Japanese earthquake and tsunami occurred with all its devastation and lasting radioactive leaks from the coastal nuclear plants.  So, the Web bot didn’t predict that specific earthquake, but did predict for such increased activity.

And then there’s the sinkhole phenomenon events that have been happening globally, including here in the US.  The most recent famous sinkhole phenomenon in the US that received widespread news coverage was the tragic 2013 event in which a Florida man fell through the floor, while sleeping in his bed, into a bottomless sinkhole never to be found.  That was bizarre!

There have also been numerous reports of sinkholes around the world, including in bodies of water, such as lakes, ponds, and rivers.

There has also been increased volcanic activity around the ring of fire.  Central and South America have experienced many, and Mexico has experienced several the most recent being Popocatepetl which has had a number of eruptions and trimmers of late.  The most recent being April 2016.

Now I must also admit that Clif has had some misses – big misses.  One of the misses was the Global Coastal Event that the Web bot had forecast back in 2013.  In fact, Clif now says that he misinterpreted the data thinking that there would be one major event known as GCE.  But, later he said the GCE is a continuation of a series of events that has and will continue to affect ocean levels and coast lines globally.  But, I found 2013 to be a strange year anyway with meteors and sinkhole events happening all over the place.  The Web bot had picked up on language about rising water levels globally due to some specific earth expansion event to take place by "May 20, 2013, and last over a period of seven days."  I was already freaked by the other strange happenings, and that seemed to be confirmation that things were leading up to some type of crazy crescendo.  So the Global Coastal Event made sense to me.

Now, I didn’t live near the coast, but was attempting to anticipate all the complications that would result from such an event.  So, I prepared as best I could by purchasing extra food, Mylar blankets, first aid kits, water containers, flashlights, batteries, and other stuff.  I even took a week off from work so I wouldn’t be caught off guard if something big happened during the day.  I didn’t want to be caught running around in the middle of chaos as everyone scrambled at the same time.  So, I stayed home and waited, and waited, and waited some more.  By the end of the week, I was actually hoping/praying that something like a mega earthquake, super tsunami, or giant meteor would appear because I started feeling like a complete idiot!

Now, I love Clif, but at the time I was pretty pissed off when nothing happened.  I stopped reading his reports for the remainder of the year.  In effect, I divorced Clif!

But, somehow I found myself reading his reports once again with even more curiosity than before.  I don’t remember what, but something happened to bring me back.  As much as I was upset with Clif over the Global Coastal non-Event, a couple of months earlier I had bought my first bitcoin due to Clif’s wujos on the subject.   He even put up a link to Coinbase to encourage his followers to look into purchasing Bitcoin.  That’s how I got my start into the crypto world.  He started speaking of Bitcoin being in the long-term data sets, and said this crypto was going places.   I purchased my first bitcoin when it was around $166 in April of 2013, and watched it promptly crashed below $100.  But, for those who had a little patience they were able to reap the benefits when bitcoin reached an all-time high of $1,242 in November of 2013!

Now moving forward, I have noticed that Clif’s Web bot reports have been hitting home runs this year compared to previous years.  Clif says this is because of his “re-tuning of the lexicon.”  I don’t really understand what that entails, but whatever that means it’s working!  I am now going to provide a list of the Web bot’s most recent hits so that those who may be non-believers will have to say, “Well, maybe there’s something to this after all”!

Here is a list of "hits" from the Web bot reports from January – July 2016:

Alta Report – January 2016:

In the SpaceGoatFarts section of the Web bot, there was language of “strange lightning forms' from space".

Corresponding occurrence:   August 2016

Alta Report – February 2016:

In the CanadaPop section the Web bot forecast “a 'reported crash' of the 'housing prices' as what had been a 'touted' an 'hopeful listing season' is also indicated to 'crash' into the reality of the 'deepening global depression'.”

Corresponding occurrence:

Alta Report – March 2016:

In the Terra Entity section, language surfaced concerning the methane gas leak in California. “In the case of the 'methane release(s)', we need to note that the data is showing that soon the 'blow back' of the 'radioactive gases' within the 'methane' will be creating new memes as 'evacuations' start to take on a 'grim tone' as 'death and illness' are 'exposed'.”

Corresponding occurrence:  May 2016

Alta Report – March 2016:

In the Markets section of the Web bot report.  The language tells of increased volatility of the stock market.  “The data sets are showing that by May, the word 'panic' is appearing in many differing contexts from 'markets' to 'politics' to 'social change' to 'daily life'.  The 'reporting' on the 'panic to sell' occurring in the paper debt markets is showing as 'so widespread' as to 'induce headlines' in all major media outlets.”

Corresponding Occurrences:  July 2016  August 2016

Alta Report – April 2016:

The Web bot was very clear about the changing ‘weather and climate’ over 2016 with indications about coming events in the Terra section.  “New supporting sets include more data about the ‘popcorn storms’ to hit the SE North America in late Summer and continue into early Fall.  These storms are showing as being concurrent with ‘large scale flooding’ in the greater SE North America’ over as far as the ‘Mississippi River valley’.  These ‘atypical’ and ‘shredding storms will be a key feature in the ‘background’ of the ‘presidential theater’ in 2016.”

Corresponding Occurrences:   August 2016

Alta Report – May 2016:

The Web bot was particularly prescient concerning bitcoin action in June 2016.  This language appeared in the Markets section:  “There are hints coming out in early June in new language about ‘bitcoin’.  This new language is mainly appearing in China, and to have the ‘near immediate effect’ of causing a ‘stampede (to) purchase (bitcoin)’’.

Corresponding Occurrence:

Alta Report – June 2016:

The CaribbePop section of the Web bot report was particularly interesting!  Now, this doesn’t exactly quality as a “hit”, but it’s very close and still pending for more occurrences!  “What attracts the eye to these sets in modelspace is not the above (in reference to ‘storms’), but rather some sets indicating that 'storms' will 'reveal (old) shipwrecks'.

Corresponding Occurrence:

Alta Report – July 2016:

Now the Alta reports are normally released at the beginning of each month; somewhere between the 1st and 5th.  The July report had language regarding female heroines.  This is the language: “An interesting note, within the 'earthquakes' section are three individual sets for 'female hero'.  These 'females hero' sets are seemingly describing 'three (separate) heroines' who will be 'brought (forced into) prominence' by their 'unselfish (life risking) actions' over the 'early summer'.  We have some small descriptors for attributes of the women involved, and yes, it would seem that in spite of 'youth' being one attribute, all of the women are 'adults'.  Further we find that at least one will be an 'army girl' with 'tats'.   Other attributes are forecast to be 'bringing (thousands of) marriage proposals' to one of the women.”

Could it be that “’earthquake’” was a metaphor for the ground shaking events of civilians shot by police and police shot by civilians that started in mid – July across the USA?

Corresponding Occurrence:

Now for those who are interested in what the remainder of this year may bring and beyond I suggest visiting Clif’s website at where you can purchase the Web bot reports for a mere $15.  If you don't want to buy, there are individuals out there on the Internet who give briefs of Clif's monthly reports for free.

I can tell you that there are very interesting and scary forecasts for the immediate and long-term future in the report.  As mentioned earlier, the Web bot has been particularly accurate this year.  Clif said that the larger an event the more likely it is to show up in the data sets very early on.  And since I’ve been reading his reports, there has been a re-occurrence of language regarding global economic depression and collapse, as well as the rise of cryptocurrencies, specifically bitcoin, and the return to real money – gold and silver.  The Web bot has been forecasting $600 silver for years.  Today’s headlines certainly have me wondering if this will happen sooner than later!

I think Clif is a neat and very cool guy because he’s introspective, and is able go mentally and spiritually where most people don’t.  On top of that, he’s a black belt in Aikido and a yogi.  I too am a yogi, and hold a special place for him for that alone!

Let me know what you think!  The people in my life whom I’ve tried to explain Web bot to are the type to roll their eyes.  Only one person has been interested, and that was my dad.  He passed away in 2012, but was way ahead of his time – just like Clif!  When the people in my family were partying, watching sports on TV, and working a “Just Beyond Broke – Job”, my dad was into reading and learning, starting businesses, and had a fascination with history.  That’s where I inherited my desire to want to know, but Clif has taken me to another level.  I think most inquiring minds would say that these are definitely not “normal” times.  And we are on the precipice of major change.  If you care to find out what that change could be check out Clif’s Web bot reports!


Hello kazumba, we would like to inform you that you have been chosen as a featured author by the @robinhoodwhale initiave. We are currently in alpha testing, if you would like more info join robinhood chat on or pm @repholder.

Nicely done - Keep on Steeming!

I'm honored! Thank you!

Very, very interesting, this concept that the future can be foretold by mining data from the Internet. I believe there could be something to this. The costal non event may very well have happened and the media has been forbidden from talking about it. There is definitely something happening in the ocean with massive die-offs of sea life, toxicity, and bacteria plaguing beaches. Around that time it seems there was a surreptitious rise in shark attacks.

I found the information about the expando planet model especially interesting. I believe the earth is expanding and may actually be hollow. I get lots of eye rolling with that one too! : )

There are lots of theories out there as we see the changes happening before our eyes!

Wow, thank you for bring this guys work to my attention. How cool is what he's come up with, I too believe we are unconsiously linked. I look forward to checking his reports in more detail.

You can follow him on Twitter where he's very active. He's at Clif High.

So freaking cool!! It seems we are talking our future into existence.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Wow, pretty interesting. I had never heard about Clif High before. I have a lot to think about now. Thanks for the write up!

I have followed Clif for years also. Never before have I heard such a great commentary on Clif High and his web bot. You made me smarter. Thank You.

I'm glad you enjoyed!

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