Your Magnificent Brains or Should I say Yuor Magfiniecnt Barnis
Daer Firned,
If you are raednig tihs tehn yuor barnis wroks as good as mnie.
That mganifecint brian of yuros redas wrods as a colceltion of letetrs.
The barnis can decrypt a wrod at the seped of lgiht just by kniwong the fisrt and lsat letetr.
This wroks wlel for ffity fvie preecnt of the popele. Do not be aralmed if you are raednig tihs.
Dear Friend,
If you were not able to read the paragraph above, do not be alarmed.
You are one of the 45% in the world who can not read it easily.
That is not a deficiency, it could be a great advantage.
The brains work in mysterious ways. At any given time we use 2% of our brain's potential.
Scientists who excelled at certain fields, actually lacked in some of the most basic of brains functions.
The greatest scientists of all times had some weird behaviors, and some shown great lack of concentration when it came to performing the simplest of tasks. Some were known to have Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD). Some were completely nuts beyond the field they excelled in.
If you were not able to read the first paragraph, it does not mean you are a great scientist, or you are using a productive part of your brains more than others. However, my friend do not despair, your brains is still of a great value, it's a great food resource for the zombie apocalypse.

image credits: pixabay
Graet psot, thaskn fro sharign with hte communtyi!
You are wclemoe my feirnd. :)
wow, I read that easier than I thought I would!
Hi @joseph, your chosen image lured me in - the written part was even better! Great job!
tanhk you vrey mcuh, jsepoh!
Hahahah, loved it. I guess I'm zombie food. I didnt even notice till half way.
was there a problem with the first paragraph?
Interesting, I have seen this before, but in my native language. I had to concentrate slightly to read the text in english, which I didn´t have to do in Norwegian.
I guess this is to be expected.