Abnormal solar flares.

in #science3 years ago

Abnormal solar flares.


El 1 de septiembre tuvo lugar una potente erupción solar esta que estáis viendo las imágenes captadas por el SOHO siglas en inglés de observatorio solar y heliosférico, es una sonda espacial gestionada por la nasa y la agencia espacial europea.

El círculo y la barra oscura que veis en la imagen es el disco de protección que tapa la esfera solar para que la luz de la estrella no deslumbre la cámara.


On September 5, another solar flare took place, a powerful flare launched a coronal mass ejection, which is a cloud of plasma, energetically charged particles, the impressive images were captured this time by NASA's Sterio A space observatory, luckily for the earth. all this is happening on the other side of the sun, although our planet is saved venus is not so lucky it was hit by the first solar discharge and now it is going to receive the second one, without having a magnetosphere that protects it as it happens with the earth .


What would happen if instead of going towards Venus the coronal mass ejection had been directed towards our planet, at the time of making this publication the experts did not give an answer to this question, it is complicated since there are many factors at play, it is not only a question of the solar explosion, solar storms are the product of the collision of the coronal mass reaction with the Earth's magnetosphere and that impact can be produced in various ways.

Although I have seen the power of the latter, we could possibly have faced a severe solar storm of level G4 or G5, which is the maximum on the scale that records these events, it would not be the end of the world, but it would greatly complicate the operation of all our technology. based on space satellites and electronic systems.


Fortunately, Solar Orbiter is right now getting a lot of data on what just happened, as Solar Orbiter has just done a close flyby of Venus only 4,000 miles away, to adjust its orbit around the sun as its The goal is to study the sun, so the solar orbiter is in the perfect position to observe and receive the storm, something that it was prepared for.

We can learn from this event to improve our space weather forecasts and also adapt our technological systems to be more resistant to solar storms, but it also serves to see the tragic fate of venus.

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