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We are leaving in a period of time where we can get everything we want from the comfort of our home. All thanks to Science and Technology.
Our younger ones can from the comfort of their room(s) do research on subject of interest without necessarily visiting a library. Thanks to our internet enabled phones and laptops.
Let the saying goes, what ever have advantages has disadvantages also. On that not I want talk little of how some if not many of our young kids are taking advantage of the dark side of the internet ( under the nose of their parents) instead of the brighter side.
In chatting with their pairs, these young ones have coded their conversations in such a way that parents will not understand unless they dig deeper (but how many parent are willing to do that 😂😂? Sadly few).
These young once can go as far as arranging via chat to have sex without you knowing what they've said despite reading the chat 😂😂. Smart kids! Check out this conversation and let me know if you understand the content without explanation.
Boy: hay what's up?
Girl: I want to come and pick the notebook
Boy: 9
Girl : let me know when 99.
Boy: why urgent?
Girl: IWSN
Boy: how about in 1174'?
Girl: till then KOTL.
From the above conversations, the 2 have arrange for sex in a place with you possibly reading their chat without knowing what's going on 😂😂😂.
So as parent place pay attention to your child(Ren) phones and laptop and when you notices a coded chat, know the best possible action to take.
Below I give you some list of the commonly used codes. After reading the codes, please go back to the sample chat above to understand what the boy and girl have said 😂.
List of CODES:
1) IWSN- I want sex now.
2) GNOC- Get naked on camera.
3) NIFOC- Naked in front of computer.
4) PIR- Parent in room.
5) CU46 - See you for sex.
6) 53X- Sex.
7) 9- Parent watching.
😎 99 -Parent gone.
9) 1174′- Party meeting place.
10) THOT- That hoe over there.
11) CID- Acid (the drug).
12) Broken- Hungover from alcohol.
13) 420- Marijuana.
14) POS- Parent over shoulder.
15) SUGARPIC- Suggestive or erotic photo.
16) KOTL- Kiss on the lips.
17) LsMIRL- Let’s meet in real life.
18) PRON- Porn.
19) TDTM- Talk dirty to me.
20) 8 -Oral sex.
21) CD9 -Parents around/Code 9.
22) IPN- I’m posting naked.
23) LH6- Let’s have sex.
24) WTTP- Want to trade pictures?
25) DOC- Drug of choice.
26) TWD- Texting while driving.
27) GYPO- Get your pants off.
28) KPC- Keeping parents clueless.
29) Pickup the notebook/textbook = visit
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