Curious scientific facts

in #science8 years ago

There are many strange cosmic phenomena that may give the same person a sense of surprise and surprise, which leads many people to study and search for it to be valid, and some may think that the field of science from the fields of rigid, but many discoveries, inventions show that in this The field has a lot of real fun, and in this article we will introduce you to some strange scientific facts

World Facts :

When you look at the moon, the picture that a human sees is a picture of his light emitted a second and a third of the time. The rays emitted by the stars are years, hundreds, or thousands of years of their emission, and the stars you are looking at may have disappeared. Died, or turned into another body. The interference on the TV screen occurs when a specific channel is captured, due to the effect of radio beams that remained after the great old cosmic explosion.

Facts about Man :

Nightmares are more likely to be seen in a dream when sleeping in a cool place, and people who sleep on their backs are more likely to see nightmares 10 times more than people who sleep on one side.
The lack of sleep affects the human, making him laugh hysterically on things that may seem natural, and do not call laughter at all.
Females have a higher tasting sense than taste in males, especially in foods and beverages.
The eye expands by about 45% when a person looks at something that makes him feel happy and happy. The human body has enough iron to make a nail about 7.5 cm long.
Apple surpasses coffee in terms of making a person more able to wake up and concentrate.
Sneezing may cause a rib fracture, and a person can not sneeze and his eyes are open. If this happens, they will explode. Sneezing may cause a blood vessel to explode in the head or neck and thus die if the person tries to mute the sneeze.
The smell of fuel affects the center of pleasure in the mind, which explains the attraction of some people to the smell of fuel.
The average walking distance of a person is about five cycles around the planet. A relatively active person walks about 7500 steps per day. If this is maintained until the age of 80, he will walk about 216 million steps in his life , While the average person walks about 110 thousand miles, and this distance is equivalent to walking five rolls around the ground.