Gorillas and IQ tests

in #science18 days ago

Gorillas and IQ tests

Voluntary control of breathing is an aquatic adaptation mainloy useful for swimming and diving. Humans, being quasi-aquatic mammals, have that ability. Monkeys and apes do not and hominids did not. That is the only reason that chimps and gorillas cannot be taught to speak English or German (the trait is also uswseful/essential for spoken languages).

Gorillas can and have mastered deaf signs for communication and at lease one such, just for curiosity to see what would happen, has taken human IQ tests and, as I have read it, achieved scores of 75 - 90 or thereabouts, which compares favorably to the average scores in places like Somalia.

Nearly all search engines are worthless for researching controversial topics like that... Nonetheless Russians apparently do not care who might be offended by some aspect of reality, and the Yandex search engine works just fine for controversial topics.

This is what Yandex has to say about gorillas, IQ tests, and Somalia.....

"Average IQ of a Somalian or Ethiopian is 68-69, meaning over half the migrants are literally not as smart as the lower ends of your average Gorilla like Koko. Extrapolating from there, that would mean that Germany would literally have been better off importing 1 million Gorillas like Koko, dressed in human clothes, and turning them loose on the streets of Germany."

That also applies to Bork Hussein Obunga dumping Ilhan Omar and large numbers of her cohorts into Minneapolis/St. Paul...