DOD finance and the black Mars Program

in #sciencelast month

Catherine Austin Fitts is a former director of HUD and a recognized expert on government finance. In 2015 at the Bastrop Tx Civics Center, Fitts spoke at a a "Secret Space Program" conference and was asked if enough money had simply gone miissing from DOD budgets to pay for a manned mission to Mars on a black-op basis; she replied that it had.

My own take on that subject and personal stash of NASA/JPL images from the last two or three decades:

Assuming I and others are correct about this, then nobody is ever going to get any kind of a handle on DOD finances unless/until that black Mars program is made public. Aside from DOGE wanting to audit DOD,President Trump is talking about agreements with China and Russia to cut defense spending in all three nations in half. That obviously could not be done if any kind of a black project was absorbing a quarter or a third of DOD's budget with no accountability.