The 5G "Internet of Things" and its Death Towers Must Not be Allowed to Happen !

My post today returns again to this total threat to us all, which is the introduction of the all new, nothing to do with 4G, 5G INTERNET OF THINGS ! We are already, as I write this, dangerously bombarded by the microwaves of wifi router and antennas all around us, in our 4G human work and living space !
But with the 5G implementation comes the final nail in our coffin ! As this beast is designed to take over the physical and mental self by extremely nocive and even lethal frequencies. All living creatures are electromagnetic beings, even your dog and to ignore this simple fact is stupidity itself ! Still more frightening is that when combined with all the heavy metals we are surely breathing and injesting into our bodies through the chemtrail program, which you might or might not believe in, but i can tell you is real ! Well this could kill you outright as the metal inside your body when exposed to high power levels of millimeter waves could kill you outright by spontaneous combustion ! Have you ever seen what happens if you put metal inside of a microwave oven ??
Metal in the Microwave...
Published on 8 Nov 2009
The power supply to these "New Generation antennas" is going to be in tetra watts, nothing to do with present levels supplied to the "old and soon to be obsolete " microwave antennas presently fitted, which of course are already very bad for our health ! These weaponised "millimieter frequency wave" death towers set up over your heads can kill you and everyone around you in one instant and where you stand, of this I am sure ! I believe this to be the reason for their pressing need to put this into place as quickly as possible ! Before the word gets out on all this ! Its really time for us to all research this extremely important and more than pressing issue ! To warn your family, friends and neighbours !
Here is my selection of films which I really feel you should watch completely as this subject is no joke and we all need to get onto this to stop it in its tracks before its too late !
Say No to their Frequency Controlled Prison Planet where We can be Certain of Nothing but Our Own Destruction !
5G Technology - What You Need To Know!
Shaking My Head Productions
Published on 23 Nov 2017
5G Towers, Smart Grids, The Internet of Things - What You Need To Know
4G: Fourth Generation Wireless
Data Bandwidth: 2Mbps to 1Gbps
Frequency Band: 2 to 8 GHz
Service: Dynamic information access, wearable devices, HD streaming, global roaming
5G: Fifth Generation Wireless
Data Bandwidth: 1Gbps and higher as per need
Frequency Band: 3 to 300 GHz
Service: Dynamic information access, wearable devices, HD streaming, any demand of users
5G wireless is coming earlier than you thought.
A standards body says the next-generation wireless network can hit a deadline of 2019 instead of 2020. Look all around you. Towers are going up everywhere replacing the older, slower technology.
They are now starting to replace our main power-lines on the greenbelt a mile from my home in Orlando with new larger towers. They are going from 60 feet to 100 feet in height with 5G WiFi hot spots on each. They are spaced out every couple hundred yards for at least 5 miles. As 5G signals travel a shorter distance than 4G, they will have to put relays every 10 houses or so to ensure no gap in transmission. These towers were suppose to be installed by the end of September 2017 but Hurricane Irma slowed their plans by a couple months. SMH
If you feel sick now and believe it may be do to all the radio transmission in the air all around you, wait until 5G is fully activated and more WiFi devices come on line accessing data 24 hours a day.
How Smart Meters Affect Your Body
Dr. Darren Schmidt, D.C.
Published on 8 Mar 2013
The first 10 min. are foundational information, then specific effects on humans are shown.
Here is the conversation I have with "experts".
Expert: I've been studying this/ in radio/ have a degree/ for many years and I'm healthy/ never seen electromagnetic frequencies or radio-frequencies cause problems to anyone. Put a tin foil hat on your head.
Me: I've seen EMF's and RF affect hundreds and most of them get better under my care.
Expert: The research proves I'm right
Me: Research funded by the industry proves you're right but independent research proves I'm right at a ratio of 70/30. It comes down to INDIVIDUALS who suffer from an external stressor and removing that stressor so the body can heal. I've been helping EMF and RF sensitive people for several years now and it's real and devices like smart meters, wifi, cell phones, etc. do cause harm to biological tissue.

Meanwhile IOTA coins are on sale and idiotic investors are still buying up these disgusting coins which will fund surely millions of deaths in the coming years, deaths which nobody could possibly ever directly attribute to the installation of this omni-present electromagnetic pollution in our homes and workspaces wherever ! It will be Everywhere and you and your children will have nowhere to run or hide ! The only protection to this is to prevent it from ever happening and to do that we need to bring world awareness to a tipping point that it will just not be possible for them to do it !
" It’s no doubt that it IOTA has been on a rough patch with sellers pushing prices lower. However, after that close above $4.2, just buy IOTA. Yes, and while at it aim for $5.5 ! "
To the people investing in this Shit Project and Coin, I say this ! How about not aiming for the 5 dollars and fifty cents ? but more for a healthy life and that of the people that live around you? As your profit will come with a price, namely your own death and that of your family ?? Makes no sense at all really !

Great post mate.
Most people don't have a clue how dangerous to human existence 5G will be. I keep getting told.........
'they'd never do that to us'.
Wake up people, you can't judge what a psychopath would do by comparing it to your own morality!
They are doing to you as we speak, if you don't educate yourselves now you'll wake up in an electronic prison that is slowly killing you.
There are defences against the waves, without them you're screwed!
Hey there @tremedospercy ) thanks for the comment as ever !! So yeah Califronia...hmmmm ! So you remember that mysterious tree burning on the inside ?? I think I know what caused it ! Its the proof that these fires were the test for this very technology of 5G millimeter weapons entwined with metal in living organisms ! Its the centre of the tree which is full of the aluminium of the chemtrails and not the bark, you see what i mean ?? This tree is proof for me that firstly the fires were not naturally caused and that this technology is real and most certainly deadly !! Where are the bodies of the people in the houses ?? I reckon they are gone dude along with all the other metal rideen things in the kill zone ! Its all about the metal mate and the reason for the heavy chentrailling of us over the recent years!!! To be certain we will burn when exposed to this !
Yeah, California certainly has had a lot of 'natural tragedies' recently, very suspicious.
As we've spoken about before mate it certainly looks like they're ramping up the UN Agenda 2021/2030.
Hunger Games society on the way my man.
yeah well the Hunger Games I hope I will not see as I am sure by then, i will have been removed, if we ever get to that that is ?? But sure does not look good I agree !! So you see why now I go full power on this ?? I have no other choice as indeed you too no ? Whatever you decide does matter , but i leave this decision in your own hands my friend )
I just need more money to buy enough rocket lauchers and RPGs to blow these out of the sky. Please upvote my comment
its what we probably need to do actually @tommyhilliger, so yeah ok there you go ! ) what better reason for a man to make money indeed ??
This was a very good write-up! Many people are unaware of these dangers that surround us all the time. Even the other animals and creatures on the planet are being affected by our technology. Recently, I recall seeing somewhere in California, they were advising people the dangers of keeping their cell phones close to them and how it has an adverse effect on their health. The world craves technology, so its hard to say that collectively it will be stopped so easily...We can hope that we can all change people's minds for the better and that the quality of life does matter.
Yes all living creatures are electromagnetic beings and are susceptible to this disgusting technology ! Its quite simply life threatening and it needs to be stopped in its tracks ! We are now in a true information war against this, us that know the truth against the publicity agencies that will make the publicities and pamphlets that will sell this dangerous lie to the public ! The clock is ticking and we must win this fight for our planet,s survival from the dark hand of destructive Evil !
Excellent post on the advancing control grid. Upvoted and resteemed.
Once fully implemented a peaceful move to a voluntary society will be off the table.
yes thats it exactly @choosefreedom, as our choice will no longer be there, just theirs ! thankyou for the support and its nice to see new faces here on my comment section too ) Steem On !
Think this is bad? There are bad actors within our government targeting innocent American citizens with some of the most sophisticated technologies every developed by man, and these technologies have been deployed via land, sea, and air, according to Dr. Robert Duncan, a whistleblower who formerly worked for the CIA, Dept of Defense, and other agencies. I AM A TARGETED INDIVIDUAL. I am being experimented on; I am also being electronically harassed (No Touch Torture). This crap is not in its infancy. I do believe they're working out the kinks in order to -- in the near future -- deploy this stuff nation wide. What does that mean? View the below videos as they are equally important!
NOBODY in America is Talking about this...This video is blocked in almost every country (2017-2018)
WiFi Experiment Done By A Group Of 9th Grade Students Got Serious International Attention. THIS Is Why…
Innocent Victims of Governmental Targeting Programs Involving Directed Energy Weapons Need YOUR Help.
Yes the 5G system is very much a part of this and its why we cannot simply let this disgusting technology be put in place as nobody will be spared, of that I am sure @ournewfilmprod ! What has been reserved till now to a few clients of interest will be once this electromagnetic prison is up and running aavailable to any person deemed problematic or not working for the greater good of this new "community" of slaves formerly known as the Human Race ! What do we need to do to prevent this in your opinion ?? Id be happy to hear your ideas ) Steem On and thanks for this great share of important information related to this serious subject !
Wow, this is a shock to me but I never take any information for granted so I'll do some research on this. Thanks for the awareness though.
yeah great @davidsiedona ! thats all that i can and am asking for, that you gain awareness of this and tell everyone around you of it ! Its an information war and we have less than a year to stop this cr*p !! thanks and great to see a new face on my comment section ! Steem On !
Thanks, hope to be around for some time
Thanks for informative post, first time I know about it from your post,
yeah well thats great @flora-lori that i have touched you with this ! Please go and research that which I try to point out here as you will see that this is the big enchalada that awaits us all , if we allow to happen that is ?
Why not, i will go to with you in happen.
well thats great @flori.lori !! Welcome onboard the TruthTrain )
Great as it may portray considering the swift network package it has in store for the bulk of users, 5G is a killer.
It's disadvantage far outweighs the advantages.
There are no advantages to dying of cancer before your designated time @mickyscofield ! All the rest of the BS they paint to the public about increased bandwith and faster connection times is just powder in their eyes to make them blind ! The Devil is a great liar !
Things sure are ramping up quickly.
These 5G towers, cheap devices to spy on us under the guise of helping like google home, the regularity and extent of chem trails.
Its like they know the awakening is heading toward tipping point and they are frantic to lock it all down.
I think it will come down to a choice, freedom and nature or technology and slavery. It seems we will no longer have the luxury of having a foot in both camps soon.
Brilliant comment @leftmessage )) Its so that yes ) You have in a few words said that which I am trying to get out there right now with this post ! As you say tery see the awakening happening and yes they are very afraid ! Now its an information war, our truth againt their commerically packaged lies on convenience and improved connection speeds !! But see thst these people , if indeed we can call them that, are playing for keeps and taking no prisoners ! We must be the same now I think to surivive !