Mary Leakey hits pay-dirt with Nutcracker Man

in #science6 years ago

Archaeologists are a bit like treasure hunters, at least they were in the early days and colloquial terms like "fossil hunters" and "fossil hounds" are apt descriptions.

Just like treasure hunters they had to convince some rich benefactor to fund their expeditions in the hopes of finding something extraordinary.

The Leakey's had secured such funding from Charles Boise after the success with the Proconsul skull and they were assured of funds for yearly small expeditions at Olduwai gorge. 7 years later and nothing much to show in bone and only 2 teeth, from a human ancestry point of view, those funds were running low and now in danger of being withdrawn completely.

Getting a little desperate they shifted focus from Bed II to Bed I and almost instantly found a hominid tooth. Louis arranged extra cash to fund an extension and drum up some publicity and filming of the excavation of the teeth. While waiting for the filming crew they explored other areas where Bed I was exposed.

On one morning the scheduled exploration was canceled because Louis had a fever. Mary took her dogs to another section close by instead and then hit proverbial paydirt.

Australophithecus boisei (cast), Olduvai Gorge - Springfield Science Museum - Springfield, MA - DSC03368.JPG
By Daderot , CC0, Link

She found what appeared to be hominid teeth sticking out of the soil at an angle that showed them to still be attached to a palate.

The palate turned out to be most of a skull and a jaw for the same species would be found a couple of years later.

The species was named Zinjanthropus boisei. Boise being none other than the name of the Leakey's benefactor. The treasure hunt was a success and he had his possible human ancestor bearing his name.

Paranthropus boisei skull.jpg
By Durova, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link


What a great find. Such luck to find this skull just at the time they needed it most. 🐓🐓

Very strong teeth,
Dentists should study it.

didn't have chocolates

Thank you very much for your upvote,
And it is very valuable to me

Very cool post! When I was a kid I dreamed of being an archeologist (probably influenced by Indiana Jones haha) I'm a new follower of your blog, are you an archeologist?

  • Iris

That is one scary creature @gavvet. Did they look somewhat like humans?

Archeology is a beautiful thing to study. Zinjanthropus boisei is one of the largest species of Paranthropus. Nice Mr. @gavvet

Something new for me, i'm also a student of science and my concentration was physics! thanks for your post!

OMG that's very impressive.nice post once again.\


OMG this is very long year ago maybe. this is amazing

creative mind
keep it up