The Anthropocene - What is Nature?

in #science7 years ago

What is nature? Perhaps, a broad generalized definition such as everything surrounding us, or everything surrounding us for many centuries, not constructed by human beings. What is human constructed, even if technologically advanced can it be natural, since it was indeed built by resources found on earth? Should we considered natural that which is closer to the concept of wilderness or what links us to a remote past?


Incidentally, I had the opportunity to walk in the woods near a large metropolis where I was visiting long time friends. Reaching this forest was not easy at all, as a large line of cars was formed from people having the same idea in regards to time urban escape. Nature to them was having the opportunity to play with snowballs and feel the winter’s frost.

Nature to me was exploring the wilderness, especially little flowers and shrubs usually not existing in common flower nurseries. Getting an idea of how many different wild flowers can exist in 10-20 square meters of land was an amazing experience, a huge in praxis validation of the richness of biodiversity that still exists even in the outskirts of a metropolis of millions inhabitants.


Items like plastic bottles and packages left there by travelers were destroying my nature experience. It was like something alien in a relatively pure and otherwise pristine landscape. But not always. I captured a photo of a small yellow plastic ball (probably from a damaged toy) which at least in my opinion could visually match the environment surrounding it, almost like those nearby yellow flowers. Is that thought too provocative?


Finally, a big hole, probably made by an animal like a mole or a marten eludes to some conclusion that nature is not what we consider as beautiful but also dangerous (like a hidden trap) for someone like a child that will try to connect herself/himself with the forest. After all, one can equally find solitary beauty but also danger in such an awe inspiring untouched and sacred environment.


Really interesting topic, i think no one can give perfect definition of nature, because they never witnessed the creation of nature, according to me nature is an great gift to the earth and beings of earth, that's why nature providing us with resources for free of cost, but people started to monetize it for their benefits that's why we can see the up and down graph in rich and poor, i will suggest better not to pollute the nature by throwing waste because that the least thing we can do good towards nature. Thanks for sharing, your post encouraged me to share my opinions.

Have a great day and stay blessed.

Very true. Human society and our collective organization has placed a monetary value on planetary resources which fuels wars and conflict as well as drives competition. Human overpopulation also continues to exacerbate these results. In the end, we either manage to re-balance our relationship with nature and our shared environment or we destroy it and ourselves. Unfortunately, the latter seems most plausible for us.

Agreed with your inputs.