RE: The Sentry Program, Near Earth Object Monitoring
Well, everything begins small. The accelerating inequalities have to a large extent been enabled by a time where a few handful of people have been able to serve the needs of many in a globalised economy. Especially on the web, what used to take hundreds of thousands of employees can now be done by a few software engineers.
However, I think we're slowly getting to the point where people are taking a pause, looking at the data, and wondering why they should continue to provide the essential foundation for a few people to succeed. I at least hope (although I'm far from convinced) that more people will start demanding that when some companies can profit absurdly from them giving up their 2 most important 21st century assets: Their time and their personal data, that they will also want a fair share of profit that is generated from them investing time in building content on the web, and them providing data that is vital for digital products to function.
This is where I hope blockchain technologies, and sites like steemit, can have an impact. No it won't solve the problems overnight. But it can help steer the balance a bit more in the right direction.
I think at this point they have enough power to prevent any small shifts in power, they have been happening for hundreds of years. At this point only a full scale revolution can solve our problems.
Capitalism will always form monopolies and in the end stages always be controlled by a few.