Comet Halley: Our faithful visitor.

in #science8 years ago


No other comet is as fond of it as the Comet Halley, because it visits us periodically every 76 years, so that childhood and old age can be visualized in two periods of our life.

Since ancient times comets have caused terror and admiration throughout the world.
Because they are always related to tragic events and unforeseen appearances.


In the year 44 A.C it was believed that a great comet that appeared in the sky was the soul of Julio Cesar, that were atmospheric phenomena or emanations of the earth.

In 1456, three years after the taking of Constatinopla by the hand of the Turks, this comet appeared: it was big, terrifying and had a yellow color. It was believed to be a prophetic message to disaster.


In 1531 he was observed by a Roman historian Apiano and Fracastoro, an Italian physician and scholar.


And later in the year 1607 was seen by Kepler astronomer and German mathematician and by Longomontano a French astronomer.


After that in China some astronomers in the year 240 BC


Going further into the past, the first recorded sighting was in Greece from 466 BC, between June and the end of August.

Despite the fear he caused and the supposed messages of destruction sent by the enlistment of a comet, Seneca wrote:


"Because we would be surprised that comets. Are not subject to well-defined laws, the day will come when posterity will be amazed that we have ignored things that will then seem so clear. "

Edmun Halley, a British astronomer, was the first to calculate the orbit of a comet, this astronomer's decree which the commentary seen by Apian and Fracastor was the same as that observed by Kepler and Longomontano, And predicted that he would return in 1758.
Sadly Edmun Halley could not see the visit of the comet he predicted, since he sadly died, but thanks to him it was possible to know when he would visit us.
But thanks to this British astronomer, the name "Halley" is attributed to this comet.


The last visit that left us this comet was in the year 1986, was when Europa space probe Giotto approached to give a glance to its nucleus.

And it is expected that the next visit will be in 2062, this is an event that many of my generation and later would like to see, I only hope that life gives me health and enough years to be able to admire this great phenomenon , Which only occurs every 76 years.
