$10k Home Built in Under 24 Hours Using 3D Printing Vulcan Printer

in #science7 years ago

NY Post on March 13, 2018 reported that one home building firm can build a home in under 24 hours for $10k. The home was revealed at the annual SXSW festival in Texas. It is unclear if this construction approach would work in Ohio or the Arctic or other areas not with the same climate as Texas.

The newspaper asserts the innovation are not the common materials, but the use of automation. A Vulcan 3D printer was used in the production process. It is anticipated the structure will be used as an office. Air quality monitors may be involved to monitor that metric

The video opens discussing global homelessness. This approach may help satisfy the market finally. 100 homes are planned to be constructed in El Salvador. The article reports 3D printing homes is not new, but the building material may be?

The entire home is not 3D printed. The foundation, windows. Roof and the electrical and plumbing systems still utilize the human element. But who knows maybe in a few years that can be automated too?



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3D printing technique has changed the way of making tools. It is easy to print out any kind of tool according to your requirements.

really? I thought a lot of 3d printed stuff was inferior quality to molded manufacturing?

I believe homelessness is a lot more complex issue than "let's build some more houses" - and don't forget that the area of land may be expensive as well, or unreachable due to regulations. Small houses with some land around doesn't scale that well, I believe it's needed with high-rise buildings to keep everyone housed.

yea, seems like urbanization has been skyrocketing for a few decades. I think the best solution to involuntary homelessness is a guaranteed minimum income which would enable all access to live lives they choose for themselves

It wouldn't work in many circumstances but there is still some areas where it may be the best solution.

yea, i think a guaranteed minimum income is best solution enable all people a basic level of consumption so they can make their life into what they choose for themselves.

Indeed, in the US anyways it's not a problem of not enough houses. There are something like 6 times as many empty homes as homeless people. To combat homelessness it might be better to focus on mental healthcare and substance abuse.

yea, but idk how many of those houses are in good condition in county land banks, news super cheap houses constructed in some hinterland could help alleviate homelessness--at least if combined with the resources to enable all to purchase leases/mortgages

but who would want to live in some hinterland? they want to live in Anaheim and that is the problem. They could rent a nice 3 bedroom detached house with a garage in Modesto for like $1000 a month

and they could rent to own for that kind of money outside of where everyone wants to live. Interesting issues,

yup, or you could buy a house in Detroit for a dollar. But they want to live in Southern California near the coast.

yea detroit could be cool if the house is decent condition at least

to get a good one it is probably like $8.

i m agree with you @tobixen. Individuals end up destitute for bunches of various reasons. There are social reasons for vagrancy, for example, an absence of moderate lodging, destitution and joblessness; and life occasions which make people wind up destitute.

yea definitely it is multifactored, but ultiamtely seems just an issue of cost, if all people had some base level of consumption, than as long as that is high enough to include a private space to live I imagine the problem could be solved--at least for all who want to have their own private place to live

Totally agree, with urbanization continuing we need to build higher. The perfect example for this is Berlin. As the capital of Germany, it is the largest city in terms of area and population. When walking through the city you will see almost no buildings taller than a few stories.
I guess the technology to build these small homes for such a low price it rather going to be used for second homes in tourist areas.

interesting, yea seems like could be increasing sprawl, that is still urbanization?

Berlin is a story for itself.
The mainly low houses there results from fire service laws from a hundred years ago, when the fire ladders were short and fire in higher houses could not have been extinguished. :)
But it seems as if they want to change this soon, as there now exists a lack of free spaces for new houses.

But for Germany there could as well be stated, that there exist states like Mecklenburg, theoretically having enough space for every single inhabitant to have an own house. If building them would not be so expensive, of course...
Sadly, those 3D printed houses would not be a solution anyway, as every house to be built in Germany has to be approved by state officials in advance (in terms of safety, ecologic impact etc.) and those officials would likely never allow such houses, I guess. :)

how interesting regulations can interfere with the market and distort the built environment. Yea it seems like zoning boards with arbitrary power trips is a major factor to preventing more competition for building costs.

yea not cost efficient for square footage where space is a premium, but multi stories I think takes better building material, so more expensive. Ultimately I imagine land cost would be a major factor. Seems like lots of vacant land aross planet, but i imagine landlords want to force people into existing urban areas.

We need farmland to feed the population, and personally I think we need some forests and wilderness as well - for recreation, for the sake of the nature itself, ecosystems and biological diversity. Either we need to stack up people (high-rise apartments) or we need to become fewer people. How much area would we need for the population of Beijing if everyone was supposed to have a house with some land around? Not to forget that a sprawled population needs lots of areas for roads as well.

I'm all for biodiversity and wilderness, sure stacking could be good, but won't the structures eventually need to be replaced? I just think the cheapest structures are single stories, or at least not sky scrapers, we probably could fit all the worlds population in a super tall building if we wanted to, I just think we still have plenty of space.

Does it pass building regulations? Is it safe?

From what I've understood, big straight surfaces is usually quite expensive to build through 3D-printing, as compared to more conventional building practices.

yea, i'm not sure, would be intersting to know

Depends on many variables like worker wages etc..

yea the cost function would likely include some labor costs as the video discusses. But once atlas and Asimo robots have poseable hands, I imagine all if not most labor can be automated--just too expensive still.

This is amazing! I'd like to know more about how this 3D printed home performs in challenging circumstances (flood, earthquake, fire, extreme weather conditions). If it passes these tests, then it can be built anywhere else in the world.

yea, ive been thinking making an eco ghetto could be a good real estate investment if can pass a zoning board

Have you looked at what @quinneaker and @gardenofeden are doing?

yea looks like making art and other stuff to support digital life?

They got a community that is squatting in a depressed area.
They feed folks, make houses out of reclaimed materials, etc.
You mentioned interests in similar things?

yea, would love to make 21st century levittowns

Seems to me tiny houses is where the action is given the oversupply of mcmansions, but i dont see anyone doing it.

While this is totally an awesome advancement, the only drawback here if it passes the test is we would be withdrawing much-needed jobs from the people. But I hope in the future, companies or the government will have full awareness of it and at least never leave them hanging, unemployed.

Lol sorry I think about the future quite too much, it's just for me the world pretty runs at a brisk pace. I hope people can keep up and their living conditions get better as the world works do.

yea i'm against having jobs for the sake of jobs? Condemning humans to do tasks that a machine could do does not benefit society? If people were libertated from such tasks, even if 99% of them fucked off, if 1% became heart surgeons or physicists, I imagine society would be better off--especially if they were the next Einstein. We need people to be free to do what they want in this automated world of abundance.

Building a shed is a simple thing, it can be done fast through prefabricated units and it doesn't cost much through traditional means. The costs starts building up when it's needed to buy land, use an architect to get the house well-planned, apply for permissions, connect to the grids, install facilities, plumbing, electricity, insulate the house, etc.

yea, i suspect there are many regulations that interfere in what markets might realize without coercion, but it seems like most new homes are relatively safe

I can see that taking over quickly! Amazing 😉

yea would be great to increase global housing for much cheaper costs due to automation

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Have you looked at what @quinneaker and @gardenofeden are doing?

no checkint it out, how you doing?

Eh, just another boring day in paradise, and you?

just living hard dying free, hope the week goes well for you!

Its going pretty good, i made a jump for freedom to mexico.

nice, anarchapulco was pretty dope not sure if you were there, but i hope to be there next year would love to grab a beeer if youre there

I was on my way, but got sidetracked at my buddy's house by a sore behind and sunburned face from two days and 800 miles on a motorcycle.

I hope to make it next year.

cool hit me up if you do!!

esta tecnología en mi país seria un plus. Imagínense con esta problema
económico por la cual atravesamos y tener la posibilidad de hacer impresiones 3D seria lo máximo a mas de uno le resolvería muchos problemas. Espero algún día tener la posibilidad de tener una impresora de esas en mi manos seria el hombre en Venezuela mas FELIZ

Yea automation is remaking this world

And there goes thousands of construction jobs😥. Very Innovative though. 3d printing is the bombs!

yea, why is that a bad thing? Why should people do jobs a machine can?