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RE: Artificial Intelligence - The road to hell is paved with good intentions

in #science9 years ago (edited)

Good Article.
However. I fear that I was unclear in my objections. I have NO doubt that it is possible to use something like a hypothetical APMD (Atomically Precise Manufacturing Device) to build an exact copy of anything . By exact I mean down to the atomic level. I also have no doubt that since a 'mind' is an emergent phenomena from a sufficiently complex network that a mind will emerge from such a replication.

The problem is that it will be the exact SAME mind.

The problem, as I see it, is analogous to a computer. The mind is a program . How can you examine a computer that is operating and determine what the program is?

What operating system to 'minds' run on.

Julian Jaynes, in his 1976 book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, suggest a different operating system, although he didn't use those precise terms.

Which opens up whole NOTHER can of worms. Multi-tasking. or Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personalities)

and if multiple personalities are possible in ONE skull (brain), how about ONE personality using TWO skulls (brains) or more? Perhaps many more.. Gestalt minds. And who says the skulls (brains) have to be the same species? The technology to do is conceivable. (make a bunchaton of tiny radio repeaters and implant them in the corpus callosum of the brain. A wirelessly connected multiple lobe brain would be the result.

Dogs and cats living together...oh my.

OR...a human and his pack...



Thank you for the clarification @everittmickey! As always I appreciate your feedback. From what I gather, scientific studies have already been in place combining multiple actual brains of rats and monkeys (independent to species) and they were working together, which sounds similar to a portion of your comments.

I do apologize for misrepresenting your views and I do hope we can continue the dialog!

On no problem. I was unclear. Some things are difficult to explain. I hadn't heard of the rats and monkeys.

I just read the rats/monkey thing. Interesting.
I would point out that the brain does many things. Control body parts is one thing. Cognition is something else. Controlling the body is fairly well understood. So is remote control from outside sources.

: side note: imagine being 'wired into and eagle's eyes, being able to see everything that the eagle sees. Or better yet to be wired into the eyes of a 'fly on the wall'. Seems possible.

Augmenting cognition, on the other hand , is something else entirely. Cognition is the 'emergent property' that I was referring to. It's NOT presupposed by 'controlling the body'. It's currently a mystery as to how it even happens.