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RE: Simple Question #2 - What is Life? Why does it exist at all?

in #science7 years ago

Great article. I would question one of your points. You mentioned that humans are still evolving and perhaps in 1000 years our brains will be more advanced. Though our collective knowledge, science and technology is currently rapidly improving I dont see how are species' brain will evolve. Darwin's therory is about survival if the fittest. 100,000 years ago that would literally mean stronger fitter humans were more likely to survive and reproduce, meaning the stronger, fitter geans would perpetuate. Our intellectual abilities would have also given us the edge when hunting, cooking, surving etc. So yes in the old days our brains were evolving. Fast forward to today though, intelligent people may thrive economically but they are not necessarily breading more and passing on more geans than less intelligent people. The more developed a nation becomes the more this becomes true, it may even be the case that we are de-evolving. The less intelligent and less ambitious in society are given social security/government benifits etc and they apoear to be having more children than hard working more intelligent people. Our brains will only evolve if only the most intelligent people in society reproduce and the rest do not, this as I have stated is not the case in developed countries and even the opposite is more true.


Few years back when there was not much technological advancement and children were not that smart. But with more and more exposure to the advancing technology and internet children are becoming more knowledgeable about science and technology.

You may notice that the chapters which were previously taught in class 10 (in 90s), now they are being taught in class 8.

And with the increasing population and advancing automation, jobs are much lesser and competition is increasing rapidly. Now only the most intelligent people are selected in a specific job. And this trend will continue. Less intelligent people will eventually become extinct.

So, the brains of humans must have to be evolved for existence in the future.

What you say is mostly true but you are missing my point. Those who are intellegent are going to get better jobs and a better standard of living, yes. However those who are less intelligent and cant get jobs are still reproducing arguably more than the more intelligent are. They are not dying out due to lack of food, mr & mrs tax payer through the government helps them with that. Darwins theory of evolution requires the strong to survive and the week to die off and not reproduce. In this case for our brains to advance the less intelligent would have to die out and not reproduce, in a modern developed country this is simply not the case.

People are, as a whole, becoming more intelligent generation after generation because of more exposure to technology and development of science. Yes, the process is very slow, but it's still there.

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