Outer Space is fake

in #science7 years ago

No one has ever been into outer space. We can logically conclude that if man can not go into outer space even with all the money in the world at his disposal then outer space either does not exist or there is some barrier that we do not have the technology to penetrate, such as a Van Allen Radiation Belt, which is probably also fake by the way.

How do I know no one has ever been into outer space? I know absolutely that no one has ever been into outer space because there is zero credible evidence that anyone has ever been to outer space. There is not even one photograph of the earth from outer space. Secondly I know the Earth is a flat plane because there is no curvature on the Earth. Using the Pythagorean theorem that we all learned in the 8th grade we can calculate the curvature of the earth and there is no curvature to be found.

The earth is flat and motionless. There is no such thing as space travel.

Let's look at some of the fake Hubble Images. For those who are not aware, there is no Hubble telescope. It is fake. It does not exist. All Hubble images are paintings.

We are supposed to believe this is real. The eye in the sky. Yea right. Maybe it's God's eye. Maybe NASA is God. Not likely.

Yea this is real. NASA just snapped this photo with the Hubble Telescope. Easy as pie. Sure. If you believe that then I have a real nice bridge to sell you on the moon. You'll love it. There is no such thing as a solar system. There is no such thing as a galaxy. Very large rocks do not float in a vacuum called outer space. There is no such thing as a large rock orbiting another large rock. It's a fantasy, nothing more. This is just a painting by a paid government science fiction artist.

If you weren't such a useless consumer, and if you would just stop driving your car and creating global warming then maybe the rest of us could see stars like this. Again it's just a science fiction painting propaganda piece composed to put a thought image in your mind that you are pathetic and to get you to worship the same government that runs scams to use tax money to pay for crap like this. If I want a painting of the stars I will paint one myself. Thank you very much.

This next one is from NASA's blue period. LOL

UhOh!!! It's a planet but it's not earth and it's not from this fake solar system. I suppose we are to believe that they just flew a camera trillions of miles away on a space probe powered by magic and snapped this photo. And look I can see stars through the dark part. Are they trying to tell us something? By the way there is no such thing as a light year. Light doesn't travel for years. And even if it did your eyes are not good enough to see that far away.

There it is, Saturn. Yea that's real. Isn't the hexagon at the north pole a nice touch. Maybe its a portal into one of those parallel universes we are supposed to believe exist. If we could just get there. And those rings. They look like a cheap plastic toy that you would tell your kid not to chew on. Any correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't one of those rings look like frosting on a cake. This is what a gas giant looks like up close. Alright NASA I'm gonna hold you to this image. Your image from next year better be the same as this one. Don't go and try to change your story.

This next one reminds me of a Johnny Cash song, something about a ring of fire. Well there it is, the ring of fire. It would be impossible that someone could have painted that. Which is more likely? That someone painted that or that your government flew a space ship into outer space and took a photo of this. When someone broke into my garage and stole all my tools it's the same government that could not be bothered to catch the guy even though they had his finger prints.

Our reality is being dictated to us by a bunch of government paid science fiction artists. Or.....


So when I go to work every day to the European Space Agency, I'm just hallucinating?

536 people have gone to space. And even Bachelor's and Master's students have sent hundreds of Cube-Satellites into low earth orbit and received signals as it goes around the globe :P. Just saying, space is not something reserved for Governments and Agencies. Hundreds of companies are also partcipating.

wow really? What do you do there?

I'm only a Young Graduate Trainee who started 9 months ago.
But working with satellite applications, and assisting new users take up emerging solutions based on the new earth observation satellites (see Copernicus) and how new navigation satellites (see Galileo) can help non-space sectors such as Search and Rescue services, Autonomous vehicles, etc.

So working more with innovation knowledge management and market research than working on the actual technologies. But at least I get to work from the HQ in Paris, which is really great :)

There are no satellites because the earth is flat. 100%

Ok I have three $1million challenges to you then.

I have been working with satellite data for 5 years as an economist working with optimising economic decision making based on Earth Observing Satellite data.

I have contributed to help shipping companies, Farmers and Foresters save millions of dollars annually by using earth observing satellites that can measure height, temperature, colour, etc, of the Earth's surface anywhere in the World every single week. (Using the data to autonomously guide ships where there is less Ice in the water or lower winds, when to harvest and/or water crops, when to cut trees for optimal harvest cycles etc).

If you can either 1: Disprove that the ESA Copernicus Sentinel 1-3 Satellites exist (I would love that since I spend all my time using their live-updated data, I would really like to stop wasting my time…) or 2. If you can show me a way to retrieve the same data, with the same precision, at the same time schedules, without using satellites, as is used in the case studies found in this link. I will pay you $1m per paper (there are 3). I hope you read them as they provide some very useful information.
PS: They are not written by people who care about NASA or maintaining any “government secrets” but by people who would only benefit if the data actually worked.

All 3 papers:

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FLAT EARTH is fake it can never exist

Yes you are hallucinating.

earth might or might not be flat, but a dome is quite possible , if we were to geoengineer another planet, we would use a large dome to live under. and the stars are indeed close to earth, or atleast the light is, not the cause far. geocentric is what's up.

Well in this post there are a lot of false claims. How its possible that the earth is flat and motionless if it is then how day and night is formed . Its true that no one has ever visited outer space but what about the unmanned space missions just like the twin voyagers . They have crossed the solar system and are in interstellar space. So don't just get stuck on something that is not possible . You should study if u are confused in some matter.