What Is Free Energy? Can I Power My Home For Free?

in #science7 years ago

Now before you get all upset with me, please read on and then make your decision. I have been experimenting with alternate forms of energy for many years now.

First, let us talk about some of the most common arguments that I see when the topic of "free energy" comes up.

Argument: You can't get more energy out of a device than you put in.

Answer: Yes you can. Now, refer to the argument above and pay attention to the wording. Notice the words I highlighted in bold.

Let us consider a solar panel. It powers homes all around the globe. And you are essentially getting free energy after the cost of the solar panels. You never have to put energy into it yourself. The solar panel is transforming one form of energy into another, usable form.

Let us consider a wind turbine. You get essentially free energy as long as the wind turbine operates. You never have to put energy into it yourself. The wind turbine is transforming one form of energy into another.

Now let us go out on a limb here and look at a radiant energy device. This device can charge up batteries with little or no input energy required to power the device.

And here is where I hear about the law of conservation of energy.

This is what people often say to me "energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only changed from one form into another or transferred from one object to another".

They say "you cannot create energy from nothing" and I would answer, yes, that is correct.

But you can change one form of energy into another such as an LED using electrons to emit visible light.

Or a radiant energy device which can transform energy from the Dirac sea into usable energy inside a lead acid battery.

The Dirac sea, also often called "energy from the vacuum" is a hot topic and the center of many heated debates. I do not want to get into a discussion here but rather introduce something that I have experimented with for many years. I would like to share with you my results.

Ok, now before all the electronics and electrical engineers and physicists get all upset on me, let me explain something.

I have had many years of electronics schooling. I have experimented in the field of alternate energy for about 20 years now.

But in order to make a radiant energy device work - in order to accept what it does - you have to let go a little bit of your training and look at this with an open mind.

Consider the following:

The entire universe is flooded with energy. There is so much energy that we could never harness even a fraction of it. The Earth is being bombarded by many forms of energy from radio waves to cosmic rays. Lightning is a huge display of energy in the sky.

There must be a way to use some of that energy. I am not talking about creating energy. Just transforming a tiny bit of that energy into something that we can use. Such as a solar panel or a wind turbine.

Small radiant energy pulse motor made of scrap electronics

Enter the Bedini Motor which is a pulse motor capable of restoring lead acid batteries. This little device can tap into the Dirac sea and give you a tiny bit of that energy. The chemistry inside the lead acid battery converts that energy into a usable form of energy.

The device shown above was made using a hard drive motor, part of its casing and the HDD plates themselves. A few salvaged toy magnets and some printer coils plus some scrap electronic components were used to complete the device.

I am going to go on in much detail about the Bedini Motor but let me summarize for now and give you a little bit of a teaser.

The Bedini motor is a simple pulse motor. It requires about 100 mAh to power the wheel. But it can charge/restore multiple batteries on the output side without increasing the input energy required. No matter if you put a single battery or ten batteries on the output, the input remains the same.

This energy must be coming from somewhere. It is.

Now, if you have never built one of these to specs, then you have no right to deny it or shout scam or such things. I challenge you to build one for yourself with an open mind and then come back and talk to me. I will even help you build it. I will answer any questions you may have along the way.

I am not selling anything either. I am going to offer you an electronics device that the inventor shared with the World for free. I am going to explain its workings and guide you as you build one for yourself.

At the very least, you will have a device that you made yourself which desulfates lead acid batteries. At best - well - let us see shall we.

Please stay tuned for more details and experiments.


Bedini motors are based on debunked junk science. Troy Reid has no qualifications in electronics, or any other fields of endeavour.

yeah, just years of electronics engineering. Nothing really

Living in T-bags do nothing life, anything is possible....

you are not going to believe this but Troy Reid of the DIY world also talks endlessly about these bedini motors but has failed to show anything but dead batteries even months after living on the bedini. Wait one minute- could this also be troy reid's channel? How can he have TWO free channels on Steemit? Am I missing something or is he skirting the rules as he has for 5 years on his DIY failure channel? I am horrified he is such scum

Remember in Pine Bush New York when he was experimenting with trying to revive the chickens he killed by bedeenie weenie shocking them...



What is this junk? This has nothing to do with electronics.

once uppon a time there was a smart fish living in the bowl.
we will call him mr fish from now on to our story.
mr fish was certain that there must be water somewhere so he started his wondering arround to find it.
but he couldnt what so ever been able discover it ,
time passed and mr fish died in sadness
emd of story.
facts - fish was living inside the bowl of water all the time.
water was all arround fish all the time
and mr fish was not able to discover the water

Just more silly videos and articles, proving nothing.

Buyer beware.

LOL. Yes. Buyer beware because I am not selling anything.

Oh silly you.

I thought you joined steemit to make money since you ruined your other channels. Did you not say this is how you make money? You are selling your videos. Liar

"selling" my videos?

Now where do you ever get such an idea?

Please do share because I want to cash in on my sales, if such a thing exists (which it does not).