Natural products: THC - Tetrahydrocannabinol & CBD - Cannabidiol, going medical!

in #science6 years ago (edited)

Natural products: THC - Tetrahydrocannabinol & CBD - Cannabidiol

The medical industry is expanding




The modern history of marijuana and THC / CBD is turbulent to say the least, and the government has been trying to prevent its usage across all sectors, for a long time, but now it´s spreading like wildfire and nothing seem to be able to hold it back. Can it replace painkiller and medicine for epilepsy and Alzheimer symptoms ? It seems so, at a university hospital near me, treatments with THC & CBD against pain and depression is moving forward fast.

Suddenly a 100 grow-companies surfaced, all selling medical marijuana or planing to, on the new and opening markets. I bought stocks in many of the bigger ones and dam did they grow pot! The whole sector exploded last year, congratulations to all holders and supporters that never stopped believing, I hope you made some nice gains last November! A personal favorite during last year was ACB, Aurora cannabis, they are building a massive grow operation called Aurora sky, and have landed important contracts for over sea sales of medicinal cannabis!



100,000 kg / year will grow here and the project is moving forward just fine, a 800,000 Sq/feet grow operation, take that Pharma industry. These buds will be sold directly to costumers via Aurora, leaving the medical institutes behind.

Canada is moving towards full legalization just like Holland, Spain, Portugal and a few countries in south america, and many more, times are changing fast.

I am so glad that the prosecutions of users are coming to a halt, and that the medical industry is opening up no matter how hard the big pharma is trying to stop it. Yeah they will loose huge amounts of money on this one, and have been / are fighting the THC with tooth and nails ever since it was isolated in the 60´s .

They seem to be loosing the fight thou, and many new grow companies are taking their place in the medicinal industry.



The projected market for medicinal cannabis and the newly opened recreational markets, are huge, and taxable, so its a win win, stop the prosecution of marijuana users already!


A few decades ago, the American government created videos and other propaganda, stating that a single session of weed, most likely turns you into an animal and rapist, the American government is and has been a tool for who ever can buy it for far to long now. This was made with big pharma money and the lobbying against marijuana have been a major industry for ages now. Now that many has used it, or know someones that has, along with more and more research, the propaganda seems unjust, and plain wrong. We will not be fooled into eating medicines that kill us, when there are 100% safe and natural alternatives for many conditions. There are so many successful treatments with CBD or THC, that it can´t be hidden away any longer. Another classic problem is that THC lacks research...Well how Strange, since it has been Illegal to research for a great period of time and the big money still tries to keep it that way.

The problem is, researchers are in a federal institution [at the University of Colorado]. If we do anything in violation of federal law, we could have all federal funding withdrawn
-Angela Bryan, PhD, professor at the University of Colorado, on why there's so little research into marijuana.

We are almost out of the woods, and the private sector is taking over what the government and its backed institutes can´t deliver. But there are still those who want to hurt humanity and prevent us from accessing free medicines.

A new provision released on Wednesday containing a new must-pass bill will protect medical marijuana – its patients and operators – from US Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his federal drug agents.

Truth ?

There are so many patients witnessing on the great benefits of laying off painkillers after chemo and opting for THC. There are numerous older patients suffering from cognitive problems that gets much better effects from smoking weed then all the pills in the world. There are humans suffering from epilepsy at regular basis, that had their lifes changed by smoking weed, no more secures. Even children with epilepsy taking CBD instead of dangerous medicines that will not prevent secures anyway. are having fantastic results. So many positive effects, anti aging and all, still we rule it out due to old fashioned propaganda that still lives within the uneducated or indoctrinated rather. Just to prove the point, this study has uncovered many biochemical events that is linked to cognitive function in old age.

A chronic low dose of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) restores cognitive function in old mice

A study recently showed that chronic THC treatment at low doses can prevent aging and restore transriptional patterns in mice. The study verifed that 12 month old mice can be treated, with THC, and have their transcriptional patterns restored to those of 2 month old mice. They team proposes that we could start treating old age cognitive problems with THC at low doses.

Treatment with THC improved task acquisition in mature and old animals. The difference between the groups persisted in the reversal phase of the test, which assessed learning flexibility. Thus, both THC-treated mature and old mice showed better performance than the vehicle-treated controls in the same age groups

The older mice in this study showed higher levels of synapsin I and synaptophysin and increased hippocampal spine density which are great, and will promote regular synaptic function, by/and restoring CB1 signaling.

This touches on the next giant cash source for pharma companies, problems in old age, and treatments for cognitive function impairments, that could be addressed free, with weed. They would never give you the information, that you can live healthy on weed instead of the many different and extremly expensive pills.

Epilepsy and THC / CBD ?

This study reported a decrease of 34.6% in the median change of total seizures after 12 weeks’ treatment with CBD. It also showed a decrease of 55% in focal seizures and 54.3% in atonic seizures. They observed a decrease of 36.5% and 16% in tonic seizures and tonic-clonic seizures, respectively. Overall, the median monthly frequency of motor seizures decreased by 47%.

Just grow your own medicine ?



I would say that this is the main reason for shutting THC & CBD studies and usage down for 60 years now, with pure propaganda and lobbyist money. Who would support free medicine with no side effects ? Not pharma companies that are selling painkillers to the 50 million Americans with chronic pain symptoms that is for sure.
You can simply plant a seed, wait a while , and the medicine you need will grow for free, how un American, nothing is free here!
I encourage everyone that is eating pain killers to have a shot at the alternative, safer & cheaper compound, it might do you good!

Or synthesize it ?

Yeah the total synthesizes of THC was done in the 60´s as well, so there is nothing new here, but is it the same thing ? and is it economically viable compared to letting it grow ? Or just another way for pharma to take over the industry ?



Looks easy enough :), there are 5 types of THC depending on the side chains X,Y,Z, and some are less potent but have longer duration of effect, be careful or you might end up stoned for days!.

There will be no patents on THC or the old known roads to synthesizing it, since it is old news. But there might be patents on treating certain conditions, with certain closely related iso-forms or antagonists(a similar molecule, competing for the same receptors). I would recommend to stay away from these derivates and medicines made from them, and go with the natural substances, designed to work in our endocannabinoid system.

Thanks for checking my articles out, hope you enjoyed it!




I can attest from over 50 years of dedicated scientific study using myself as a test subject inducing amounts far above recommended government issued guidelines. uhh, I forgot the point I was trying to make. :-o

Thanks for your scientific contribution, it seems to promote critical thinking :) we are hard to fool! :)

Interesting read, hope it can replace some of the medicines that cause addiction and have toxic effects on our liver etc

the nice post!

Thanks for reading :)

I followed you!

I fear they will genetically weaponized it. Instead of it having a creative and critical thinking effect it won't release us from the zombie state anymore. Oh, They already did do that ! Good non gmo pot might get hard to find. They never have any good intentions behind any decisions they make.

Listed as an official medicine in the 1936 USP shown in this post.

Yeah it was listed 1850, the outlaws started early 1900´s and was federally prohibited in 1937!
Been a long 80 years of waiting for its return :)

As always, great stuff through and through. I almost look forward to your post as much as the next batch of smokeables. Too bad that in my particular Scandinavian country, no politician are touching this issue even with a 10ft pole. Just face it, embrace it and ultimately blaze it.

Thank you Sensei, it means a lot coming from an enlightened man such as yourself.

The more I read about CBDs the more amazing I find cannabis. Also the byproduct hemp is pretty amazing.

Yeah me too, they even treated an infant with severe epilepsy successfully :)
Hemp might have been the reason for outlawing it in the first place, to avoid having textiles and flour etc from hemp on the free market...greedy companies!

Thanks for reading!

I am thinking of trying to use PyMol to see if I can figure out why CBDs treat diseases. I'd like to see if it breaks the bonds of the diseased molecule or if it bonds to it and causes it to be inert.

Yeah one can use pymol to draw concultions of possible interactions.
But to generate a full binding map, one would pretty much be required to crystalliz target proteins with THC or CBD liagnad and doing affinity studies and or mutant studies on the side to gather precise information enough. Or use NMR but those magnets are kinda rare!

I think it is mostly about activating the declining endocannabinoid system and helping the brain to function is "phase" which prevents Parkinson symptoms and epilepsy, seen on short time spans. On longer time spans it seems to promote transcription of important proteins!

I read a nice study from Nature mag called: A chronic low dose of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) restores cognitive function in old mice.

They actually linked THC treatments to increased transcription of Synapsin 1, a protein that is important to produce new synapses :) fantastic science to read if your interested!


Lately, the best cannabis strain I've tried has been Georgia Pie here is a full description of its action, I take it on the recommendation of a doctor, to relieve stress, and I think that this is the best medicine for me, and many other people, it's good that such marijuana products are allowed.

Many people benefit from CBD products. You should try buying marijuana online if you smoke disposable vape pens. This has many benefits for the individual. It strengthens the immune system, relieves anxiety, relieves pain, and generally helps the body feel better.