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RE: Electrical Brain Stimulation

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Hahahahaaa I did try that once and yes, its shock the bejezzes out of you! Had a headache and well.... why not right? Hooked the tense unit up turned it on and WHAM!!!!! So I have to laugh I'm not the only person to try it.


I can tell you guys something alternatively that works really well for me and causes "goose bumps" and the tingly cold feeling that feels awesome, as well as another method that makes your mind expand and have very creative dreams.

1st method:

Find some music that you really really like. Make sure that you are hydrated well. Quickly drink a caffeine beverage that is the equivalent of 2 or 3 cups of coffee(doesn't need to have sugar in it). Get the air conditioner on so that is is pretty cold. Now listen to your favorite music. It can be fast music or slow music, but it has to be music that HAS SIGNIFICANT MEANING to you.

When I do this it is an amazing experience I have so many goosebumps, my whole body tingles, I feel better, I feel like powerful and calm at the same time. It is like a pulsing goosebumpy feeling. I can feel something in my brain pulse this nice feeling through my body, while at the same time I feel very focused.

2nd Method:

If you also want to try this other way, eating about 500 calories of meat before you go to bed. That will stimulate your brain. The chemical reactions in your body happening in your stomach while you sleep send signals to your brain and you will have crazy creative dreams or nightmares. This works for me everyday if I do it. I have vivid dreams I remember very well. I remember them so well I can recall what my dreams and or nightmares were weeks/months/years later. Sometimes I even have the same recurring dream/nightmare when I do this. Spicy food also works, I find that something with meat works best though.

I usually have some rum, vodka, a lil more vodka...a little more vodka ......a little moooore vodka, and I sleep like a rock! Lol the music part is right on, I do sleep well with music on, hate the tv on but the wife loves the tv to sleep so another shot of vodka , and put on some headphones!!!😊

Hey, you can never have too much vodka(as long as you don't have to drive)!!! make sure your music isn't too loud or it can negatively affect your hearing :)

Huh??? What did you say??? Lol
And no.... do not drive , I'm not wanting to meet officer "DUI"

I think I tried my unit in so many places, but kept away from the head and private parts areas. Now that I tried this, I can affirm, those electrodes are not going anywhere near my family jewels :D

Family jewels!!!! Now THAT ain't happening!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣