in #science7 years ago (edited)


It is well known that Snell's law (law of refraction)– as commonly understood at present- is used to determine the a change in direction of light rays through the boundary of refractive media with varying indices of refraction. The indices of refraction of the media used to represent the factor by which a light ray's speed decreases when traveling through a refractive medium, such as glass or water, as opposed to its velocity in a vacuum. The underline understanding of the law of refraction leads to misleading discrepancies to the mechanics of the physical phenomenon. The observable phenomenon in this case depends on the change in the speed of light, where as it indicates that light propagates at different speeds depending on the medium. The discord in this common explanation is that when light exits a medium such as glass onto air it speeds up – assuming no energy loss though the interaction of the glass and light wave, there is energy required to speed up light, therefore a fundamental principal of conservation of energy is overlooked. Furthermore, light changes direction requiring further changes in energy. In these examples, conservation of energy is not maintained. This behavior of light, the appearance of change in speed, suggest instead, time internal to the observed space boundary flows at a different rate than the time rate external to observed space while the speed of light remains the same. In this manner, the basic principal of conservation of energy is maintained. We will raise this conjecture (the purport of which will hereafter be called “Principle of TimeSolidity”) to the statue of postulate. The theory to be developed is based on the electrodynamics of moving bodies.

I. Dynamics Of a Wave Propagating Through Space

Let there be two distinct clear mediums, one perfectly transparent solid, the other be perfectly transparent gas. The observer contained in “empty space”. The solid medium having a density of D1 and a volume of X1 * Y1 * Z1 containing energy E.

Using E=m1*c^2

Considering m1 = D1 (X1 * Y1 * Z1) we can write E=D1 (X1* Y1 * Z1 )c^2

The gaseous medium having a density of D2 and a volume of X2 * Y2 * Z2 containing the same energy E as the solid. We get E=D2 (X2 * Y2 * Z2 )c^2

Having the same energy, we can write

D1 (X1 * Y1 * Z1 )c^2=D2 (X2 * Y2 * Z2 )c^2

Considering only the direction the light is traveling, say X we can set Y and Z to 1.

Simplifying we get:

X1 = X2 (D2 / D1)

In other words, if light enters medium with D1 density at the same time as light enters a medium with D2 density it would take the light in medium with D1 density to travel X2 (D2 / D1) distance to come out at the same time as light traveling in medium with D2 density X2 distance. Therefore, the refraction of light is because time rate between the two mediums differs not because the speed of light is reduced or slows down. "Time rate" refers to the speed time progresses.