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RE: Water on Mars

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for sharing! Ive been listening alot to Michio Kaku who have done alot of books about the space and mars. Even tough its hard and expensive to get to mars. Its still cheaper to go to mars than doing a hollywood movie about mars.

He also talks about time travel and the String teory wich I find intresting.


That is a massive quantity of nonsense from someone considered a “serious scientist” :(

Yeah this guy has a tendency to drive me right up the wall.

Completely incredible statements, @mtaf. It seems he is much more interested in selling the book then in real science. I will have to dedicate a text to his “science”.

What do you mean is the nonsens here?

Just about everything. Terraforming of Mars cannot be done by satellites that will melt Mars ice caps! Rubbish.

Kaku: “To go to the moon is peace of cake these days…”


“Price of space travel has gone down…”


“Free because it was paid by Elon Musk…”


“Moon rocket from Cape Kanaveral for free…”


“Traffic jam over the Moon…”


You can’t decide which is the worst nonsense, absolutely and completely unworthy of a scientist.

I cant really see why it would be rubbish?

Thanks for sharing interesting video :-)