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RE: What Is Aging Anyway? Video Interview By Me

in #science8 years ago (edited)


Very nice. Thank you for translating.

An interesting area of exploration but I have an area of exploration in relation to this topic that you may wish to explore further and which to me makes even more sense.

Hypnosis used to reprogram an individuals deep consciousness to constructively effect the physical structure we know as the body.

There will be many that will claim that this cannot be done, but they are mistaken.

As you know, the body is just energy. The brain is just energy. If you bring a person deep enough into hypnosis then very serious reprogramming can take place.

But let's not get too caught up in words. Hypnosis is just a label for a process that isn't really understood beyond conjecture and theory. Nevertheless this process can be used for profound programming/reprogramming. :-)

Just thought I would mention this to give you another avenue for exploration. :-)


thanks for commenting and sharing your thoughts! Warms my heart :D Yes indeed super interesting with hypnosis, would love to learn more! are you into it? I see we have lots of the same interests :D

Thanks for your reply! :-)

Yes I've been into it since I was a kid. Here's a posting I did in reference to that. Thank you for asking. :-)

Link to My beginnings in hypnosis.