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Scientific experts are making significant progress using brain implants to restore freedom of movement.
The French #Neuroscientist was watching a port #Monkey as hunched at an end of an port aggressively. His team spread its right leg, used a blade to cut halfway through the animal spinal cord. Now the #Corinthians wanted to prove that they could be #Monkey again. To do this, he and his colleagues installed a recording device under his skull, after touching the motor cartx, and under the wound, planted a pad of elastic electrodes around the animal spinal. . A wireless connection was included in two electronic devices. Result: A system that reads the monkey intention to read and then immediately instantly transmitted it to its stroke as an electrical trigger. Soon, the right leg of the #Monkey started moving. Enhance and Flex.He proceeded. A former court of #Switzerland, #Frederick De #Lausanne, a professor of #Switzerland remembers that '#Monkey was thinking, and then Boom, it was running.'
In recent years, labor animals and a few people have controlled computer cursor or #Robotic weapons with their views, thanks to the wired brain implant with machines. Now researchers are taking an important step towards changing the calculation once and for all. He has connected wireless reading technology directly to the body, which is called the '#Netri Bai Pass', so that people can move their ideas into their fingers.
At #Western #Reserve #University, located in #Cleland, he could not move anything about the middle-aged #Earthquake but his head and shoulders replaced two recording implants in their brain, which were used in monkeys. Made of #Silicon, and small compared to the postage, they throw over the size of the ball with the size of the golden syrup, which hear the #'Noursion' fire.
A brain reading chip close-up, bursting with electrode.

Flexible electrodes are ready to develop the spinal direction.

Science has progressed so much and who no in coming time science what will show us and what will be seen Shocking.
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