misguided in the separation of high school children

in #school7 years ago

Graduate Student of Surabaya State University Kemdikbud Scholarship, Educator in Banjarbaru
Results UN (national exam) level SMA / SMK has been announced simultaneously on May 15, 2015 ago. Many students cheered happily, although there were few students who were sad, moping. Although the level of "horror" of the UN has been lowered, from the sole determinant of graduation to mapping, but it still does not relax the spirit of children to vent the pressure felt to conduct activities as good as his heart.

The graduation announcement that was deliberately chosen on Friday to make the atmosphere more "cool", was still unable to stem the students' rioting activities in convoys and cloven lines, on the pretext of celebrating graduation. image

Being a student (school children) in Indonesia is full of romance and grief. From the plonco at the beginning of school entry, bullying during school and target grades for graduation at the end of school. These practices are still thriving because they are ignored by the stakeholders. Heavy schooling times are often expressed in exaggerated form knowing that the shackles (school) have been discharged (finished) from them.

Education at middle level (SMA / SMK / MA) is much different than primary education (elementary and junior high). Both in terms of budget (welfare) and managerial (organization). A friend, an educator in one of SMAN in Kota Banjarbaru, said that the SMA / SMK school budget is on average more than "buckets (M-M-an)" alias milaran every year.

The many funding sources from the government plus the negligence of fees and donations from the parents of students, as a result can be money 'buckets' earlier. In fact, in terms of activities and KBM level of primary and secondary education almost the same.

Halal levy at the level of SMA / SMK this is a shield to conduct activities that are half forced to happen. Probably many parents who say it is commonplace and are forced to tolerate (even if they have an objection), if there is a fundraiser to finance the study tour of students and teachers, including holding a class XII class at the end of the school year.

By reason of visiting other better schools, or coming to a place where there is a sense of education, scenarios are made to make study visits out of the island, even if they can go abroad. The children must be cheering cheers, parents who can okay okay, being who can not afford only to stroke the chest, frogs kasiuk here and there to find funds for his son.

Now the agenda of activities to be executed after school announcement is the separation of class XII students. Once again we are forced to take it for granted to conduct the activity outside of school. By reason of effectiveness and channeling the interest of student talents, then held the farewell event in star hotels or in places of recreation. The kids are happy, the school is more happy, some parents are happy. Though there are still many funds that must be prepared by parents for their children continue their education to college level.

There is even news spread in some media that there is a "bikini party" organized an EO (event organizer) to celebrate students' graduation. This crazy idea arises because the doctrine is commonplace and the usual things or activities of students are labeled school activities. So that the parents sometimes missed and the school becomes so annoyed.

Therefore, in order to make this good and beneficial student separation activity, to be linear in the way and its implementation, it needs to be dealt with in several ways, among others:

First, RKAS intervention (school activity budget plan) by Dinas Pendidikan. During this time the Education Office always "acc" alias stamp or always agree on RKAS made school. Whereas the space for intervention in order to straighten the activities that feared bent there. No significant budget or planning impacting the educational process can be detected early on. This minimizes "levies" to parents. If the budget is properly concentrated in the educational process, then the school room to ask the parents of students increasingly narrow.

Second, disciplining stakeholders in the school. All this time there is only an appeal not to conduct farewell students outside of school and this is it. However, no written sanctions are issued. A thousand pieces of appeal from the Education Office without written sanctions will be useless. The proverb of Banjar people "mambuang liur basi haja". Sometimes appeals issued by the Dinas Pendidikan are late, so the school has a reason, that the students have been saving from the beginning of the year for bi