Start Something Challenge ...What Have You Been Doing?

in #scholarpreneurs7 years ago (edited)


A few months ago, I met up with three female friends discussing basic life issues, and just as we were about rounding up our gist to go our separate ways, another friend joined us, and the reception he got showed that he was apparently welcome to extend our stay there.

This friend wasn't exactly interested in extending our stay there, all he needed was assistance with scanning a few documents. By the time he was done, he left us, but not without a few lines which actually got us thinking.

Although, the four of us are postgraduate students, we just couldn’t get a handle of the emotional and motivational stimulation his words had on us.

Up till that moment, we had taken to self development, but we hadn’t been doing enough. Rather than use those few times we had with each other in building each other up, we had been spending it in discussing the challenges and issues facing us in our comfort.

What have you been doing???

It’s high time you woke up from that slumber!!! Beyond acquiring an academic degree, you should possess personal values because there’s a lot to achieve in life.

You cannot afford to sleep away your time, neither can you let slothfulness steal your future.

How about you;

  1. Draw out a personal vision
  2. Find out what you are passionate about
  3. Plan your personal development
  4. Do something_

The above four should be channeled at the following value adding activities;

  1. Join an organization
  2. Volunteer for an organization
  3. Partake in community development
  4. Acquire a skill
  5. Take an online course
  6. Start a blog (steemit is a great place for this, you can even earn for doing so)
  7. Join the literary and debating society
  8. Engage in student politics
  9. Read books
  10. Attend mentoring and coaching classes
  11. Join a sports team
  12. Network with people in your area of interests
  13. Attend conferences
  14. Stay up to date with current happenings
  15. Start a business_

All these activities among many others, are critical to your progress and success in life. You don't have to do all, neither should you do just one. A combination of a few is perfect for self development

It’ll give you self awareness, a sense of direction, improved focus and efficiency, more motivation, greater resilience, professional network, and fulfilling relationships.

Enough of the lazying around. Aspire! Get involved in something, and see where it gets you in the long run ...Who knows? Maybe a scholarpreneur ...The video below does justice to this article

For those of you who have been doing something, what have you been doing?

Leave a comment in the section below. Let me know if this article resonates with you, and let me know your thoughts and suggestions on other activities a student can be involved in towards personal development.

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#Scholarpreneurs #StartSomethingChallenge


Hi Thank you for #introducingyourself. Im myself quite new in steemit community but I realized that there are few things you could do to have a better start:
Mostly I invested a little bit in STEEM in order to purchase STEEM POWER and STEEM DOLLARS. Why? Its simply important. Without initial investment it will be very hard for you to build reach here and be noticed.

Im not sure if you ever heard about this site:
Perhaps you know it already :)
If you will reply to this message (that would allow me to believe that we may develop mutual engagement and help each other) then I will follow you and upvote some of your future posts.
Cheers and good luck.

Hi Thank you for #introducingyourself. Im myself quite new in steemit community but I realized that there are few things you could do to have a better start:
Mostly I invested a little bit in STEEM in order to purchase STEEM POWER and STEEM DOLLARS. Why? Its simply important. Without initial investment it will be very hard for you to build reach here and be noticed.

Im not sure if you ever heard about this site:
Perhaps you know it already :)
If you will reply to this message (that would allow me to believe that we may develop mutual engagement and help each other) then I will follow you and upvote some of your future posts.
Cheers and good luck.