
Mental illness is a terrible thing to endure or to witness as it effects everyone in the vicinity of the ill person.
So much for care in the community?
Closing down the asylums was a stupid policy.
Asylum means a place of safety where people who need help can feel safe.
Leaving mentally ill people to tend to themselves is ridiculous as you have clearly pointed out here.
They do not know what is best for them or the family they are inflicting their lunacy on.
Thanks for sharing your memories. It must have been a terrible ordeal for all involved.
Welcome to steemit @mulwade I'm honoured to be your first follower.

Thank you @molometer. I appreciate your feedback and support. LOTS more to come. Keep an eye out :)

I'm sure your experience and story will give many people great insight into mental illness. My goodness it must have been so frightening and heartbreaking to grow up in such a stressful environment.

That was my normality. Sad, but for the majority; I thought it was what all families experienced

This is something I've often thought about. I have some remarkably clear recollections of suddenly realizing that what passed for 'normal' was anything but! Growing up with a parent who is a 'text-book anti-social personality' is horribly stressful - that doesn't even begin to cover it*- and it is something one continues to deal with all their life, but what is worse is having to come to terms with the anger and resentment that one feels for the parent who stayed and subjected the child/children to such a toxic, cruel, potentially dangerous situation.

Thank you. If one person (outside of my enjoyment), enjoyes, or relates to my story, then I would be really happy. Whatever the weather, this has already been an incredibly liberating experience for me ☺️

Lots more to come....

I'm sure you'll find this process healing. I'm a huge advocate for writing as therapy. Look forward to reading more of your posts.