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in #scarystory7 years ago

Although you wrote well but you have made a joke of a certain truth! Well, not your fault, all you wanted was upvote. But I must comment
Surly, rapture must take place and only they that are in Jesus Christ will be rapturable. They who believe on His name and walk according to His purpose, those whose lives are pure because only the pure in heart will see God.

Are you truly prepared for the rapture? Are you born again? For everyone that sees this comment, prepare to meet the Lord!


It is wrong to draw a conclusion that all I wanted was an upvote. You judging me based on a post. You should know the Bible says:

Judge not so that you may not be judged.

There is also something important you should know, don't force your belief on others. Thank you.

Am not judging you sir.

Now you contradict yourself and sound defensive!

You don't force your beliefs on others? Why did you talk about rapture in the first place?

Was that why you made a joke of it? Was that what the apostles of old did? They persuade men unto Christ and it doesn't mean you force them. Am sorry if you feel Judged but I just try to make you see that your post was a great one but making a joke of it in the end doesn't feel right if at all you spiritually understood my perspective of this!

If you read carefully, you would notice I never mentioned rapture. I was defensive to you telling me "on my post" i posted for upvotes. Please don't come back. Thank you.