
And what will change if i research voting,i will understand who are the clones in here?

I saw a pattern of bot voting that upped earnings on minnows quality posts votes, whales are sharing their riches, kinda like pooping out nutrients smaller denizens of the ocean live off of, part of a larger function ecosystem so to speak.

The money go always to those who organise the fiasko,do you think they are idiots to give money to us...They will share the money with different clones either whale or dolphins.THEY WILL GIVE SOME PENNIES TO THE VICTIMS OF COURSE

They share money they think will increase their investment and down vote those who they think will hurt their investment. it's common sense, and pennies add up! If this system is to make money, (quality) content creators must be able to grow and thrive.

Who knows, a so called minnow may be a baby whale, orca, or dolphin.

Their investment will grow when they share money with their selves and their clones,if you get tired of writing new victims will come to write,there is not an investment here but a scam,if you realise that,thats a good start

@stell, I see the whales sharing more with minnows than anyone else, but I eyeballed the process, I did not use analytic processes. If the whales want to continue their profits, they will have to develop a healthy sustainable ecosystem. I'm here to witness, this is what I see, all human systems are scams in one way or another.

Also I see whales voting on post that will increase the value of Steemit. I've read many people feel Steemit is being devalued by crap content being voted up, but the content is usually light on nutrition like junk food but popular with the general public, treats for the sugar addicts.

My friend ,all scams are made in a way that most people should not realise that are scams.i realised that the depth is a scam in the first year and the greeks realised it after 5 years ,and they lost all their fortunes in the process.
Do you see a connection here?
You will all start realising that you are being scammed someday,its very early now ,only the smart ones will leave after their first posts,the more naive ones will stay for a few years ,

Oh for sure! Humans create systems to profit, the only system that isn't a scam of some kind is nature...I guess we have to pick our poison?

Facebook or twitter is not a scam all people have the same value there ,here noone has the same value.You just have to remember what i tell you now,i tried to wake up greeks like i do here in 2012 but i couldht, they were too brainwashed,they wake up 2 years later by themselves,DEZAVOO,i am living the same now.

I disagree, our data is being used to scam us...

fb and twitter give no promises like steemit,no-one enjoys writting here except those who get all the money the clones

Greek people are totally being scammed by the EU, my heart goes out to you all, so many wars and people lost to fight people who are running the EU...hopefully our next evolutionary step will be leaving our trauma conditions behind. Trauma betrayal binds us to our abusers and the elite know this and use this type of conditioning to domestic us livestock. We need to wake up to the fact we all have been betrayed by our ruling authority and go back to the only system that works, natures systems.

@stell, I am making enough money sharing here on Steem to buy me icecream, never got that from Twitter, FB, or the dozens of other social media I tried out in beta...I'm not trying to convince you this isn't a scam, rather, I am asking you to join me in an adventure with treats, for sure we will run into pickpockets and other scammers, this is how the man made world operates. I don't think this will ever change , in saying that, let's have some fun and learn about ourselves.