Who The Real Scammer Is

in #scamalert3 years ago

@ubongudofot reported me to be a scammer, just to get upvotes from his community. It is very clear that some people would do everything no matter how holy they claim to be to get up-votes, especially the ones with some currency involved.
I add links to the brief introductions to the topics I write on, not for anyone's upvote, but to help some people who may be lucky enough to stumble on the post and the links. Though the only mistake I did was not to add texts that tells what the links will talk about when visited.


I think at his age, and the integrity he is trying to protect, he should know that assumption is never the truth. Him portraying me as a scammer only because of up-votes and lack of what to write on for the upvotes has revealed him as the true scammer.
Since you, Ubong Udofot is not intelligent enough to know what scamming is, I'd gladly teach you that scamming is not adding a link that promotes or spreads useful and very informative contents that are useful to another.

@ubongudofot , you should be sure that a link is a phishing link before you spread false information about. If I have experienced this from your side, then there are lots of post which you have made that are out of assumptions and fabricated just for upvotes. First impression matters, and it talks quicker. Ubong Udofot, you are the main scammer! You should have posted the part where I rob or scam people of their money.

When some people have access to power, they sometimes abuse it, you are one of them. I pitty those who follow your community.