CryproHadgeTrading Crypto Currency SCAM
Hello Guys,
I would like to share with You what I havr found or more really, where I have been scamed.
Few months ago I get few offerts from few crypto currency trading services. Some part of them was only brokers or "mentors of btc trading", but the best looking opportunity was investing.
I found post on facebook about crypto investing, I been talking with "Steffen Nagel" and His co-worker, legend in They company. "William Morgan". Both profiles was fake, own by some black man from Africa.
Steffen Nagel fb profile dosn't exist any more, but it was based on a very public person, Jerry Van Staveren
"William" has taken His privat photos, data, image. Unfortuletlay Jerry don't like to pick a phone when I try to call Him, I lets about 5-6 voice messages, much text on facebook, I try to text on His privat and buisness account but no Respond.
They told me, They are proffesional binatry traders and They can double funds in two weeks. I seen They web siteich, profiles etchat, all of it looks really pro. So I enjoy, I deposite $360 on a stary, after week I seen about $200-250 profit and William told me to make another transfer because with $2k He can make $6k+. I was stupid but I did itto. Aftwr a momth in total I seen $12k+ and I like to pay my bills so is time for withdraw. They told me, I need ot pay for Broker Union Regoster fee of $1k. I was mad because nobody told me about that. In hope to get my money I did it. They told me You just need to wait for transfer, but after 2 days I have been bocked on CryptoHadgeTrading fb goup, also I couldn't text William and Stteffen because They have been blocking me. I try to texte Them from other accounts but Then was blocking other profiles also.
I wasn't first person whowith They lie. There are noumbers of people who can't do any think about it.
Do You know what can We do?
If somebody know the answer - Share it pleasewill!
Fee photos
Thank you for the information. Binary options have a high risk, you need a lot of time and strategy to make money.
My strategy is based on progression and candle formations and has an effectiveness of 75%, if someone gives 98% 90% it just lies.
Will You be so kind to tell something about Your strategy?
I need to earn it back...
Maybe You know what I can do to get my money back?

You must master the platform very well manually. In binary options, fractions of a second are important for entering a position.
Practice on a demo progression 1$, 3$, 7$
just search here to enter
Dzieki ;)