The leaders are everywhere. Even in a small group of people, there is one. Leadership is an essential part for the success of a company, or a sports club, a university career, or a church, for example. Destellito knew the history of a tribe that had to face the moment of change of leader, and that considers useful for its readers.

This is an elderly boss who, due to his age and his delicate state of health, determined through tests to find the right person to take his place. First he made a preselection until reaching three suitable men for the succession. In order to find the one, he challenged them to climb to the top of the great mountain that was located near the tribe, warning that they should try the ascension by bringing something that indicated that they had done it.
The three young postulants left on different paths, and after four days the inhabitants saw them return, the first one appeared before the Chief, "What proof do you show me that you reached the top? The native gave him a beautiful flower that grows only on the summit, -Beautiful proof, said the old man, let's wait for the others and then decide, he added. Three hours later, the second man arrived with something white in his hands, "Big Boss, I have climbed to the summit and I have brought an osprey egg, this eagle nests only on very high peaks. - Very important the test that you have brought, I will wait for the last one to arrive and I will make the decision. An hour later, almost at dusk, the third elected, the tribe and its Chief, impressed, realize that it did not bring anything that said it had reached the top of the mountain, "Big Boss, I climbed the mountain until you reach the top, he said. - What proof do you bring me that you were there? The old leader asked. -What I saw I can not bring, but I do have it in my heart, from the top of the summit I saw the sea. The Chief, barely content by the emotion, put the Indian in front of the tribesmen and told them: "Here is your new Chief. He realized that the chosen one was able to look beyond the limits of his tribe, which was undoubtedly a quality that would allow long life to the tribe, besides being a good Boss.
The Great Indian Chief
Although the vision will still take a while, the more it rushes towards the end, and it will not lie; although I will delay, wait for it, because it will surely come, it will not be long. Habakkuk 2: 3
It was necessary to have the story integrated, so that the teaching is fully understood. The election of the third candidate as Chief of the tribe was not whimsical, but the elder Chief, understood that the chosen had vision, it would contribute so that decisions and strategies were always taken looking forward to the future. Every church leader must have vision, he must see his directed ones beyond the classroom. The prophet Habakkuk had a vision whose fulfillment would be effective in the future tense, he believed it and died waiting for it, said Destellito. The sons and daughters of God the Creator, also have a vision that the Holy Spirit has placed in their hearts and that will inexorably be fulfilled, and that vision is the imminent return of Christ the Lord to Earth. Jesus is coming. It is the responsibility of the children of God to speak, announce, or preach that the promise will be fulfilled.
Very true @yridelys, leaders are everywhere, but the Christian leader is extremely important in the people of God to fulfill the mission that God has put in his heart, since the vision of the leader goes beyond imagining and always influences in the future of others.
Thanks for sharing.