Pleasing God or man?

Hebrews 11.6: But IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO PLEASE GOD WITHOUT HAVING FAITH, because to approach God, one has to believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him.
Cain, is remembered for being the first to kill a human being, his own brother, represents religiosity, which sounds contradictory because it is assumed that a religious person does things that please God. But: Why this absurd contradiction in religious people? As well; religious people if they believe in God the problem is that they have a faith that is not enough to lead them to truly obey God, that means as we have seen in other occasions, that they have a scramble of dead faith, feigned and weak faith, more not a real faith even if it is little, which is necessary to please God.
For this reason, because of their defective faith, their relationship with God is actually based on what they want to do for God, when they want and in the way they want ... And that's why the end result is that they do not They listen to God.
There are highly religious people who can get involved in the Christian ministry by doing many things, such as those to whom the Lord Jesus warns, that in spite of having done many good things in the eyes of men, they did not manage to please. God and for this they will not be saved.
The Lord said: Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons and in your name we did many miracles? And then I will declare to you: I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.
Within these super religious we can find supremely dedicated people, but since they do not have a true faith they can not obey God, that is why the text says: "Without faith it is impossible to please God"
That means that everything they do even though they believe that it is God's will, they are doing it on their own initiative, doing things that in the eyes of men seem very good, but completely useless in the eyes of God. .
There are others who are not so religious, who simply live with a God in their own way, which is very common in many people who believe in God, but do not get involved at all in the Christian ministry, they are not even those who teach their family to seek God. But they say they believe in God.
What I want to achieve with this reflection is the intention to be radical with what God wants and expects, to fulfill the commandments of God, not the commandments of man.
Our faith must also be well founded in Christ, not in the thought of man, we want to please God not man.
The only thing we should please is our God, always in obedience, while men disappoint us, God always remains faithful, for love of us.
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