INTRODUCTION: We will take as a biblical example part of the story of Moses and Israel to share a little about the purpose for which God decided to "FREE" His people from the bondage of Egypt, Pharaoh and the Egyptians. This must be the same divine purpose that the church today should understand perfectly; taking advantage of the spiritual and Christian freedom to also "SERVE GOD". Let's see the facts:

- The specific mission and call that God entrusted to His servant Moses: Get Israel out of Egypt! (v. 10)
Remove (ht. Yatsá): release, rescue or bring out
- What Moses was to do at the command of God together with the people (Israel): "Serve God" (v. 12)
Serve (abb): Horrar, cult, adore (PDT), minister (serve), work (in every way) for something, work for someone, be a servant (hb.
In fact, this was one of the purposes for which God decided to "get" His people out of Egypt precisely because Israel "SERVED" and was reiterative about it (Exodus 3: 12, 4: 22, 23) See topic free for divine purposes!
- The direct and specific message that Moses brought to Pharaoh from God every time he spoke with him: Let My people (Israel) go to serve me! (Exodus 4: 23; 7:16; 8: 1, 20; 9: 1, 13; 10: 3). Free to serve you!
Even Pharaoh and his servants had to understand, acknowledge and confess that Israel the people of God had and should "leave" Egypt to "SERVE" the one true God: Jehovah (Exodus 10: 7, 8, 24; 12 : 31). After the last plague (the death of the firstborn) Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and said, "Go out among my people, you and the children of Israel, and go, SERVE THE LORD, as you said" ( Exodus 12: 31)
That day the Israelites left Egypt with the purpose set by God (Exodus 12: 31-51). After having "SERVED" Pharaoh, Egypt and the Egyptians for many years (Exodus 1: 13; 6: 5; 14: 5); now they are "FREE TO SERVE JEHOVAH"; the God of Israel! (Exodus 3: 12; 4: 23; 23; 7:16; 8: 1, 20; 9: 1, 13; 10: 3; 12: 31)
Even the generation that Joshua led (those born in the desert) and conquered Canaan perfectly understood the divine purpose of "SERVING GOD" until the end because they were free from Egypt (Joshua 24: 14-31 [v. 17]; 2: 6-10 [vr 7])
Joshua also involved his family in this divine mission and purpose of "SERVING THE LORD" when he said: "But I and my house WILL SERVE Jehovah" (Joshua 24:15). We emphasize that this word "SERVIR" is used 16 times in this chapter 24 of the book Joshua! (v. 2, 14-16, 18-24, 31)
CONCLUSION: let us understand by this Word the divine purpose of our freedom from Egypt (world), from Pharaoh (Satan) to exclusively "SERVE OUR GOD" always and to the end (1 Samuel 1: 11, 28). Let us understand that we have not been called and set free to warm a bench, be satisfied with going to church and returning home, being mere observers or spectators or just receiving Word. BUT TO SERVE YOU!
Let's get involved in God's work and His independent work the way we can! Let's be useful in God's work! All hands to work and even the unemployed! (Matthew 20: 1-16 [verses 6, 7]) and those who are injured (spiritually speaking) do everything possible to recover and fix what it touches. God wants us to make useful again in His hands and in His work! (2 Timothy 4: 11, Philemon 10-13) AMÉN THAT YES! LET'S DO IT!