"Things to do"
Text: James 2:17
«Faith alone, if it has no works, is dead»

Below you will find a list of things that you could do today to make a positive difference in the world around you:
Call a friend who has not seen you for a long time.
Tell something nice to someone not very well known.
Order your house without being asked.
Doing the shopping for an elderly person who can not or is very difficult to do it.
Encourage the pastor in his ministry and tell him how important it is for the church.
Invite someone from your family to the church who does not know the Lord.
Talk to a classmate about Christ.
Cut the grass to a neighbor.
Wash the car to your father / mother.
Prepare dinner and set the table with candles and music.
Take out the trash without being asked.
Help some classmate at school.
Write to your youth leader telling him how important he or she is to you.
Reflection point
• What other activities do you think of?
Do not stop or make excuses, at least one on the list can make a difference in someone today.
Could you do all of them?
Audience with the King
Dear King, today I want to be someone to help others feel better. Give me a sensitive heart to do your will even in the small things of each day.

@jennifer, faith is coupled with action and perseverance, therefore it is accompanied by works.

Thanks for sharing