in #sc-v6 years ago

Moses sends God to be ruler and liberator, and suddenly is judging between conflicts of the people, he became a judge, but it was not his calling. From morning to night I did that task.


But the father-in-law made him see his mistake, maybe you're doing things that have nothing to do with your calling. The father-in-law told him: «he teaches» and he taught them all and then he noticed who did it well, who caught him and those people named them to do their homework and he continued to conquer.
Times have changed, most women go out to work like men, but when they get home they find that the day is not over. This dynamic has exhausted us and is in permanent conflict with everything that has to do with domestic affairs. But it does not have to be like that.

The work of the house must be equitably and reasonably distributed among all the members that inhabit it. And while there are no other alternatives, you have to learn to delegate.

We have to generate the desire in the other.

We say: "When I ask for something, all are erased." Do you know why he does not? because until now you always did it, then you do not generate the desire in the other. Generate space, do not occupy that space anymore, because if not, the other does not advance. We say: "If I'm not going to look for work, we never go out" that happens because you always go, do not always look for it, generate desire. When you ask for something to do: do not say "leave, I'll do it". Leave the space for him to do it whenever he wants and as he wants. If he brings you a bunch of flowers, do not say, "You're spending the money," but enjoy it.

When you do everything alone, you're tired and that's why you complain. That woman who does not delegate gets sick and then there is permission to not work. Why is not permission given before? You have to learn to take care of yourself, to recognize the moments of fatigue. If your body does not give, give rest, and the tasks that others do and do it their own way, let them make mistakes (but sometimes you want to make mistakes to do it) teach them and if you make mistakes congratulations same for the step they took. Make them responsible for something!

You can say: "I am orderly", but that does not mean that you are independent because "you are the only one who knows how to do things", you will not be able to continue growing, because your body puts a limit on you and you do not advance in life. Others do not have as much capacity and advance; but those that do not advance is because they do everything alone. The others take more territory, but because she is a perfectionist, she remains stagnant,

you have to learn to delegate

How can I learn to delegate?

We have to change the mentality. The change has a certain expectation but we generally reject it. God is always going to bring favorable changes to your life. Our mind is handled with the formula: "Better bad known than good to know". And all change is uncomfortable.

So the great struggle of our mind is between being an old wineskin or a new wineskin. That is the great fight; that is the internal fight that we have in the mind. Do I think as before or think in a new way? How do I think in a new way? How do I live my life, to have different thoughts from the ones I have had? How can I trust other people, tasks that I have always done by myself?

What is thinking like an old wineskin? It is to defend old schemes of thought; "Well, I always act like this", "I always did it this way". "To me always what I did gave me results". That is to be an old wineskin, it is not wanting to learn anything new.

Humility is a learning attitude

"To all who have a learning attitude I will give them success; but those who do not have it or are proud, I will break them, Jesus said. " God looks afar off at the proud; Pride is the ability to believe in knowing everything. People who "know everything", who "have things clear" and have no learning attitude, God will break it, and according to his behavior, will act: "If I humble myself, He exalts me; If I exalt myself, He humiliates me. "

Learn from your mentors

Moses said: "I do not have time" and his father-in-law taught him to learn to manage his time, to prioritize; He was his mentor. The mentor teaches us not to go through the error and see the future that we did not see; It is not easy to have a mentor who can tell us something that bothers us, but he is in the place where we would like to be in the future and will talk about what we have not yet seen, saving us headaches. That is why we must have a teachable spirit. A mentor is not to impact us but to learn from him, that's why he has to be wise enough to generate an upset that pushes you, motivates you and moves forward.

Smart people have a teachable spirit

Humility always goes in two ways: toward God and towards people. We must learn from God and for that we must have a sensitive heart, otherwise, even if I read the Word and listen, I will express: "Mmm, it is very interesting".

Each time we open the Bible we can do it with two types of attitudes: either we read it as a book, or we open it to meet a person.

Do your part and let the other do his part. Ecclesiastes 4 says: "Two are better than one, because they have better pay for their work; because if one falls the other lifts it up ".

Matthew 18 says: "If two of you agree on anything they ask here on earth, it will be done for them by my Father who is in heaven." That is the power of two that are transformed into a team and that say: "let's go forward", they teach and they add people.


Humility opens the doors of heaven and comes to God as a fragrant odor, being humble is a condition of the soul that has liberated God and is like a light that shines on everyone.
Thanks for sharing @jenniferbrito.