Only Love will save the World

The great challenge that the Lord Jesus left us was to manifest his love to a humanity submerged in sin.
Love is something so wonderful, beautiful and sublime, that I have put myself to analyze that only a love like that of Jesus can change lives.
We always fail, sometimes we promise things and we can not fulfill, the only way to love is to know Jesus, he does not disappoint us, how many times we have been hurt by people who tell us they love us, that we are important to them and in the moment we need them the most, we turn our backs, I think it is necessary to go through this, to understand that we can never turn our eyes away from Jesus, when he tells us he loves us, he does not say it today and tomorrow he changes, but he remains faithful to that love.
When we understand that we can not force someone to love us, we will be ready to love ourselves, despite the betrayal, and the pain this causes us.
In the person of Jesus we see a great example of how true and complete love works:
In Philippians 2 the Word of God encourages us to "have in you this feeling that was in Christ Jesus" which indicates that the plane of feelings is vital for an experience of obedience.
Then we are told that he "did not value being equal to God as a thing to cling to"; estimating is an exercise of our thinking by which we evaluate whether something we do deserve to be done or not, and this shows us the importance of reflection in the process of obeying.
But this obedience, which was a demonstration of Jesus' love for his Father and towards us, culminates with the surrender of his will: "making himself obedient to death".
This act of his will is decisive for obedience. If Jesus had not reached that step in his obedience we would not be saved today. His love for us reached the level of action and that is what he affirmed when he said "he who loves me, does what I command him", that is, he reaches the plane of action.
In the same way, our love for God should not be limited to the aspects of feeling or thought but should reach its climax in action.
The words of Jesus to his disciples were "Follow me" and this expression is directed to our will. What steps should we take? Obey their simple commands towards him and towards people.
He did not tell us that the world would be saved by our religion, by our theological studies, by our great temples, not by our ministerial trajectory, much less by our time as a believer.
The formula that he left us was LOVE to the neighbor as the fundamental tool for the conquest of the empty hearts of Christ.
Love of neighbor is a spiritual value that every Christian community should practice, if they want to fulfill the great commission and see the growth of their churches.
ONLY LOVE WILL SAVE THE WORLD: love reflected through forgiveness, service to the needy, time to hear the need of others, respect for others, to value each person as God values.
Jesus opened a way of reconciliation with the father and he did it with WORKS of LOVE.
It is time for us to imitate Christ if we want to accompany many people along the path that he opened to us in the presence of the father.
Let's start with an action plan where each member of our congregations practices the value of loving others with works.
I propose that for a time we go through the homes of the neighbors to the church, talk to them, listen to the needs they have and perform service works that can cover those needs.
Let's imitate Jesus and save the world.
Remember: Only Love will Save the World.
If you have lost time, today is a good day to dedicate to that person you love, show love to your family, your neighbor or friend. If you must leave your pride and reconcile with your brother, do it, because only the love that rests in us It is capable of transforming our environment. Tomorrow it may be too late.
Am deeply touched each time I see this act of love by you and the @Sc-v team on the Venezuela children. It breeds hope for a tomorrow. Love is the only medicine to heal the world. Love- the greatest virtue of humanity. God bless you
Jesus is the Love of God personified. The earlier the People of the world acknowledges this the better for peace.
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Without a doubt darlenys sister, the love of Jesus encloses everything, what truly moves the world is the strength of love.
When we walk in love we do not seek to please ourselves, making us the center of our activities (individualism). Otherwise, by serving God in love we seek to please, to bless others. That's what Jesus Christ did. He served God in love and did not seek to please himself.
Jesus challenged us to love the world @ darlenys01, and example gave us to sow love in our neighbor, unfortunately today the world is immersed in chaos for lack of love, the apostle Paul warned about this evil, that people would not love to their fellow men, but to themselves ... but Jesus did not mention that the love of all would diminish, there will always be those who love God and transfer that same love to the world
good work ... we must give love to all beings on this earth as Jesus taught us ...
Evidently the only one that can change the world is the love of Jesus Christ
Good reflexion @ darlenys01
Beautiful my apostle @darlenys01, we can speak in tongues, heal the sick, be prosperous, but we have love nothing we are.
Jesus told his disciples: "In this you will all know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another", certainly @ darlenys01, the love of Jesus is an example to develop in our neighbor and put it into practice
To do everything you do @darlenys01, you need a lot of love, not all have the privilege of knowing God intimately, to the point of giving everything for him.