"Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
But Jehovah will deliver you from all of them.
He keeps all his bones;
Not one of them is broken"

In my life I do not remember having seen so many difficult situations as I have witnessed in recent months. We are facing times full of tribulations and indescribable afflictions.
Wherever I go I find people who are going through hard economic, family, work and spiritual moments. It is difficult for me to witness what is happening, but when I feel unable to do anything to change what we ourselves have caused.
It is that we can not make ourselves the blind eye and believe that what we are experiencing is "a punishment from God", God has always been the same yesterday, is the same today and will be the same tomorrow. We are the ones who have forgotten his justice, to be righteous before him and with this to achieve his freedom.
If everyone understood that we need to humble ourselves before God and recognize our total dependence on Him, as they would say in our country: "another cock will sing". But the reality is different. We are facing a generation that does not depend on God, even we ourselves, called Christians, we are not totally dependent on God, and really this is a pity, because sooner or later that fact will take its toll.
Faced with everything that we are living and of which we are witnessing, God led me to reflect on the passage we read at the beginning, where the first sentence says: "Many are the afflictions of the just".
Now, what does fair mean? Among the definitions given to us by the dictionary of the Spanish language are:
- What works according to justice and reason.
- That he lives according to the law of God.
I will keep the second definition: "who lives according to the law of God." While it is true today we do not live according to law but according to the grace of God, but that does not mean that we have to deviate from the purpose of our life which would have to be pleasing to God in ALL, and this is equal to being FAIR .
The Word of God in the verses we read tells us that many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the second phrase fills us with encouragement and tells us: "But the Lord will deliver him out of them all."
That means that it does not matter what your afflictions are, if you ARE JUST God will free you from all of them.
The question would be: Are we being fair? If I asked you the following question: Do you want to be free of your afflictions ?, Quickly and without hesitation you would answer me: "IF I WANT", but the answer is EVERYONE and it is not just about a spoken response, but rather a life that pleases God.
The key to being delivered from all afflictions is: BE FAIR.
Being fair has to do with leading a life that pleases God, a life that even with its errors and defects long for all the means of being transformed by the power of God to be before Him as a pleasant smell.
And is that to be fair you just need to live as God commands and we ALL know that, but even when we know it, WE DO NOT WANT TO DO IT.
Beloved brothers, we are living in times when we urgently need to seek the justice of God, where excuses are no longer valid to try to justify our lack of justice. God longs to see a people that decides to seek justice to be just with God and therefore with EVERY world.
God wants to free you from all your afflictions, no matter what name you have, but also longs to see your life, a FAIR life, because the Word of God is clear in affirming that many will be the afflictions of the just, but what a nice to know is that God I will not forget you, but I WILL RELEASE YOU FROM ALL OF THEM.
It is worth mentioning that even when you are righteous, the afflictions will come, the fact of practicing justice will not leave you exempt from the afflictions, but you must have the certainty that the Lord will deliver you from ALL of them.
What of those who, even though we know that the key to God's liberation in the face of afflictions is justice, but we do not want to seek it? Ay! Of us.
It is time to long for justice, it is time to begin to be fair even in the least, even in what we believe is not necessary. God longs for hearts that long for justice, because such hearts will not deny their help.
Are you being fair? Let's examine our heart and PRETEND TO BE FAIR.
We have a deliverer in this life the only one who was worthy to die for our sins "Jesus Christ". That is why He is our refuge of consolation and hope. But he is just and he expects us to practice justice to reach his opportune help.

Thanks for sharing @clicket.