WineSaturday - SaturdayIndigo

in #saturdayindigo8 years ago (edited)

This my contribution to @kalemandra 's colorchalenge #SaturdayIndigo.

This photo has been taken at one of the prettiest locations in Würzburg: on the Old Mainbridge or as I like to say Old Winebridge. It became a very popular habit for the Wuerzburgerians and their visitors to meet at the Alte Mainbrücke - the oldest wuerzburg bridge over the river Main and have a glas of wine together - or two. Two restaurants, a wine shop and a bakery sell wine on the street and if the weather is passably nice the bridge is crowded with wine drinking, chatting and laughing people.

The light behind the glas comes from a restaurant ship behind the bridge.

It's wine o Clock and I hope you like it!


That is way to cool! 😎

Thank! You!! 😁