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in #satanism7 years ago (edited)

It is time that we speak of my beliefs.. in order for me to do so I must first tell you all about the origins of them.. we will start off with the most feared of the beliefs that I practice and hold very near and dear to me which is called ... brace yourselves for  this one... Spiritual Satanism

Now I know you are all thinking " What?! You are a devil worshiper?!" or "Do you make living sacrifices?!" and " OMG THIS BITCH BATHES IN BLOOD!!!" I can assure you that it is the exact opposite of this! I will start in with a few mentions from a website that also explains this in detail and my sources will be cited at the bottom of the article and underneath the images I choose to use for this post!

Here are some things that need to be said.. these are things that you both did not know or have been lied to about by your dogmatic church state or home country. I realize that this content is both illegal and highly frowned upon in some countries. please proceed with caution so that you do not bring harm amongst yourself.

1. Satan is the creator of all Human life on earth.

I, myself have spoken to the God names Satan and he is the most beautiful being there is. just like all life he has both a good side and a bad side. It is true that he is a being made of pure light and life energy.he has both the ability to give life  and take life away as he sees fit. Out of love for his creations however.. he will normally allow a living being live a full cycle in life to teach them how to ascend and to learn from their mistakes in life. 

(Source:https: //orig02.deviantart.net/a5bf/f/2015/112/a/b/enki_ea_by_bankrut-d8oacur.png)

From my experience he is a kind, loving and nurturing being, so long as you are being 100% true to yourself and honest with him... Also do not call to him to waste his time... he dislikes that... Most people who have experienced his wrath have either disappointed him with an unforgivable act such as murder or harm to another living being with malicious intent, or were dishonest to him.  

"Joy of Satan Ministries is committed  to the restoration of True Satanism. We look to the True Creator of the  religion now known as “Satanism” and the Creator is Satan, himself. For  far too long, enemies and outsiders have been free to define Satan and  Satanism to fit their own agendas. Satan has rarely ever been allowed to  speak for himself and reveal who he really is and what he is really  about. Satan is a real being. He has interacted with many over the past  several thousand years and he has left us his doctrines of the Al  Jilwah, the Qu'ret Al Yezid and other manuscripts....."
" Satan does not in any way fit the  Judeo/Christian or Muslim descriptions that have falsely defined him for  so long, nor does he conform to the character depicted of him in Anton  LaVey’s “Satanic Bible.” In order to really know Satan, one must go to  him personally, without prejudice or expectations. One will find he does  not conform to this or that denomination’s conceptions of “evil” which  have been foolishly and thoughtlessly heaped upon him for centuries...."

( Source for Quotes, See full article here:http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Welcome.html)

(Here is the link to the Al Jilwah; AKA the Black Book of Satan: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Al_Jilwah.html)

(Here is a link to the Qu'ret Al Yezid; AKA the Revelation of Melek Ta'us: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/QuretAlYezid.html)

From my experience Satan prefers to use the name Enki most of the time, however he is also glad to accept the name Satan so long as you do not hold negative energy or thoughts and associations with that name. He is also accepting of the name Lucifer at times as well, and has told me he likes the sound of that name, however again.. if you hold resentment towards that name due to a Xtian upbringing, please call him Enki or Father instead. 

When I first called on him I respectfully called him by his Mesopotamian name "Enki" and he responded with "Please call me Father..." I will not disclose the rest of my experience from there as it was very personal and he has asked me not to disclose all of the secrets that his children of mankind are not ready to accept.

2. Spiritual Satanism is not Luciferian or Leveyan Satanism.

Here is where it gets a bit tricky. Just like Christianity, there are many sects and alternative beliefs. Spiritual Satanism is seen as the one true way to Satan/Lucifer/Enki and Godhead (will touch more on Godhead later)... HOWEVER there are other groups who do still claim to be Satanist.. if your interests are the path I am touching on, avoid the other branches of Satanism until you have a full grasp on Spiritual Satanism.

" Spiritual  Satanism differs from LaVeyan Satanism. We are aware of the existence  of Satan/Lucifer as an actual being. We are not atheists! In spite of  major discrepancies, the Church of Satan, founded 1966, by Anton Szandor  LaVey, presently takes an atheistic stance as far as external deities  are concerned, and views Satan as only an “archetype.” 

(Source:https: //encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQOw4UXHa2zv6KdRz4lnN5qvlWH5r8ZR8t2nGsKFNN9iHaakrvP)

(Above is a picture of Anton LaVey.. The founder of the LaVeyan Satanist path.. I do not follow or respect this man, however he has a good point for an atheistic view..)

(Source:https: //68.media.tumblr.com/97446751f7a8095b893a2fcdc5590882/tumblr_inline_n61m2auad71se2a3v.jpg)

(Above is Baphomet. I do believe I may be doing a future article about the actual symbolism here.)

 "The  character "Jesus Christ" is fictitious and was stolen from some 18+  Pagan legends of a God hanging from a tree, such as Odin, then being  resurrected, and is another description of the alchemical operation of  transforming the soul- death and then resurrection.     
The Nazarene is and has never been anything more than a tool to  remove all true spiritual knowledge and disarm the populace of their  spiritual powers. Humanity has paid to the tune of trillions upon  trillions of dollars, and with sickness, misery, and suffering due to  the removal of this knowledge. Spiritual knowledge was systematically  destroyed, twisted, and corrupted to SPIRITUALLY AND FINANCIALLY ENSLAVE  US ALL. By force-feeding the populace that the Nazarene is a real  entity, those at the top have maintained control and have reaped untold  wealth and power."

That's Right folks. It is all a lie tailored to please the human mind and fool you into making the pockets of the vatican's SCAM artists fat and bursting at the seams. I will be also writing some exposing of the Abrahamic religions and paths as well. I am not writing this post to harm my fellow mankind, but to educate you on where I stand in my spiritual journey..      

" True  Satanism preceded Christianity by thousands of years and is based upon  total transformation of the soul. Christians are deluded into "accepting  Jesus Christ" and "living saved" which is all false. Everything in the  Christian religion is false and we prove this beyond all doubts. The  Christian "saved" hoax is based upon stolen and corrupted knowledge of  alchemy, where one truly works spiritually to transform one's soul into  godhead..."

Do you know what "saving the soul" does? it actually degrades the soul and sets it backwards. This is why we do not retain much of or even in some cases any of our past lives. The Christian faith was written to keep slaves from achieving Godhead and ascending beyond this world into the higher vibration. it puts a limit on your knowledge simply because once you get into the real world beyond the chapel it is all sin from there.

"Many Traditional Satanists worship Satan/Lucifer. Some acknowledge him  as a friend and do not worship. We respect individuality and personal  choices. One's relationship with Satan/Lucifer is up to the individual,  as Satanism values free thought and individuality.   Satan is the bringer of knowledge. The goal of Spiritual Satanism is to  apply this knowledge and transform our souls into godhead, as was  originally intended by our Creator God Satan.     Unlike most religions, Spiritual Satanism encourages one to question  everything. Being one's personal best and exceeding limitations are the  essence of Spiritual Satanism and this begins with using one's brains to  their maximum potential.
Spiritual Satanism does not in any way  conflict with science. We strongly encourage and support all scientific  knowledge and enquiry. We are well aware humanity is dangerously behind  in scientific knowledge and understanding due to centuries of oppression  by Christianity. We believe that all spiritual and paranormal phenomena  can be scientifically explained in a rational manner; scientific  knowledge has not yet progressed far enough to comprehend or explain  much of the so-called "supernatural." ....."  

(Source for quotes, read full context here:http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/TRADITIONAL.html)
This post is a series of multiple posts. this is only part 1 of many for the subject on Satanism. Stay tuned for more. Now that I have my Dtube functioning I will also be doing Vlogs on this subject.

Sources for articles:

Sources for Pictures:

  • https: //orig02.deviantart.net/a5bf/f/2015/112/a/b/enki_ea_by_bankrut-d8oacur.png
  • https: //encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQOw4UXHa2zv6KdRz4lnN5qvlWH5r8ZR8t2nGsKFNN9iHaakrvP
  • https: //68.media.tumblr.com/97446751f7a8095b893a2fcdc5590882/tumblr_inline_n61m2auad71se2a3v.jpg

Gif Sources

  • http: //33.media.tumblr.com/fa178bb17278eb36b4399d9eabfd6e94/tumblr_nglgz0JCRm1u0kwu7o1_400.gif
  • https: //24.media.tumblr.com/446c3fabd166d5f0ba30c30b61be3d2c/tumblr_n30blkbciz1r8h3l0o1_500.gif

(Source: http ://33.media.tumblr.com/fa178bb17278eb36b4399d9eabfd6e94/tumblr_nglgz0JCRm1u0kwu7o1_400.gif)

(Source for gif: https: //24.media.tumblr.com/446c3fabd166d5f0ba30c30b61be3d2c/tumblr_n30blkbciz1r8h3l0o1_500.gif)

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 Much Love To All My Followers!!


Much Respect To All My Followers Who Are Open Minded Enough To Read All The Way Through And Still Anticipate Part 2!!



Thanks for sharing this

Thank you for appreciating it 😊 not many people seem to be that interested in it which is a little discouraging.. I expected as much due to unpopular opinion.

A very interesting read. Ofc I was a little afraid where this might go, but things like

Spiritual Satanism encourages one to question everything.

and the resulting encouragement of human science seem rather noble. I myself am a huge advocate of honesty, so i get that aspect about Satan - excuse me, I mean Enki ;)

I feel like this topic in general is often depicted in asian religion or ehm, well at least I watched this anime called Demon King Daimao, where the protagonist is destined to become the Demon King - The embodiment of destruction prophezised to kill God.

Everyone is afraid of him and indeed he seems to fit the description of the evil demon god even though he fights with good intentions and mostly good outcome, people take a lot of time to see that the demon king is actually their savior and not their doom.

It is also a harem anime with a lot of ecchi which kinda fits the topic :D

Looking forward for the part 2 of your series!

Part 2 has been posted, I will admit I did get a little lazy about part of the way through due to leg cramps from sitting on the floor at the laptop, however I did also post a video of Priestess Maxim's at the end. You can find her vlogs here: https://www.youtube.com/user/JoSMinistries
