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RE: Medusa, the subversion of the Triple-Moon Goddess, and #metoo

in #sankofa6 years ago

What a great and thorough article about Medusa! Very excellent observation about how history has yet again perverted another symbol of feminine strength and turned it to ugliness and jealousy. The word jealousy itself is so heavily associated with women even though I have met many men who are displaying the exact feelings. And a lot of women associated words are still perceived negatively, like "soft" and even "feminine" itself are used as pejorative words when men use it against another. Sorry for going on a tangent.

Thank you for writing this post, I admit I don't usually read long writing, but this one is totally worth reading.

The sculpture that you created is also awesome btw :).


Yeah, not at all a tangent.
It's actually a really big subject that I would like to see get a lot more attention.
The problem when we think of women's rights, equality, and public perspective on the "feminine" is that we are looking at such a narrow area of history that we are missing the huge, sweeping ways that the feminine has suffered for thousands of years and are instead focusing on a very small number of incidents in recent years to formulate our opinions.
I like your point about feminine associated words: I am actually thinking of a way to discuss that in another post, where I would try to explore how our negative associations with femininity have resulted in an unhealthy definition of masculinity.