in #samtexprint7 years ago

Dear prospective snail farmers, let me give you a brief introduction about myself, my name is Osadjere Raymond, popularly called Raymoney the snail expert. I am a graduate of Federal Polytechnic Auchi, Edo state, Nigeria. I studied mechanical engineering.

I am the founder and CEO of Roovision Farms with over 800,000 breeding snails and still hatching more every day.

The specie of snail call Achatina-Achatina is very good for commercialization as well, because of its profitability. This is because of the volume of eggs it lays at once. Each achatina lays 300 to 500 eggs at a time in clutches, three times a year. Therefore, if you start a farm with about 1000 snails, in one year you would be getting about 1.5 million snails going by the number of eggs they produces.
even if you sell at the end of the year at the rate of N50 each for a business you spend almost free to feed. N50 × 1.500,000 pcs = ?
This is how lucrative it can be with snail farming.
Do you want to be a snail farmer either part time or full time ?

Constructing the Snail pen

Snaileries can vary from a patch of fence-protected ground, sheltered from the wind to a covered box if you are breeding in small scale. Samples are shown in the ebook and more in the training group

For larger population of snails, you can dug a trench or make a concrete pen with soil deep of about 10 inches, and cover it with screen or wire all around to prevent the snails from escaping. Remember that snails can reproduce fast and become pests when their breeding is uncontrolled.

Snails love dark and cold places, but make sure the humidity does not drop to levels harmful to the snails. You can use fresh leaves and cloth that is regularly wet to regulate the temperature.

Also, the wire is useful in keeping away rats and snakes or other predators from eating the snails in your snail farm. But aside from these bigger predators, you should be wary about smaller ones like ants and termites. Your construction must have these predators in mind.

One hundred thousand snails after a year or two sold at the rate of N50 each (highly reduced price) will give you about N5 million! Isn’t that a good investment?

In terms of cost and time, snail farming is a low risk business. Unlike many other livestock businesses, snail farming requires very little startup and operating costs.

It can be run from your backyard (if you have a sizeable one) or on that piece of land wasting away in your neighbourhood or village.

Snails are friendly to the environment and their droppings are not offensive (unlike pigs and poultry) so there’s no chance an angry neighbor will come knocking.

Snails also multiply really fast laying up to 100 eggs in one go. Because snails are hermaphrodites (have both male and female sexual organs), they get to mate easily throughout the year. This high reproduction rate has made snails a pest in many regions of the world.

However, it’s this fast reproductive ability that makes these slow creatures a delight to an entrepreneur. Snails can give very high returns on your initial investment if you do your homework well

You are going to learn

  1. Effective construction of snail pens
  2. Selection of breed stock
  3. How to totally eliminate predators / termites from the pen
  4. Feeding of snails
    5.Daily management of snails.
  5. Profitability of snails etc.
  6. Care and management of snail eggs.
    8.Care and management of baby snails.
  7. The different species of Africa giant land snail
  8. How to incubate snail eggs for 100% results
  9. Factors to consider before starting off your farm

we train