How to Prevent Same-Sex Dog Fights Under Your Roof!

in #same6 years ago

images (3).jpgIn most cases, when two same-sex pups in the pack battle, it is for prominence and/or your attention. That is not to say it is far from serious... it can be severe and even fatal! The most viciously fights are frequently between two females, two unchanged males or one unchanged male and one neutered male. The motivation for this kind of battle is pure and simply, pack leadership. As the true leader of the pack, it is THE responsibility to demonstrate your Alpha status firmly and immediately. Alpha NEVER can handle subordinates displaying aggression.

In the first sign of posturing or aggression, YOU must choose your correction confidently. Carry out not think they will work out their distinctions if left alone. It may be a bloody, heart-wrenching bottom line. Dogs learn by groups... positive and negative. Everytime your dog does a particular behavior; good or bad, it reinforces that behavior. Each time one dog attacks another; the duplication of that negative behavior reinforces it, rendering it more of a behavior. That rapidly brings about serious negative behavioral issues. It really is better to prevent unacceptable manners, than to modify them!

Management and prevention of unacceptable behaviors is essential for successful behavior adjustment. It will also be known, certain breeds, have a better predisposition to same-sex quarrels. You, as the First member of your bunch, must be in control of your dog(s) at all times. Listed below are ideas how to the honored leader of your load up.

Humans are always near the top of the pack. Your dog must discover how to acknowledge their place will almost always be at the bottom of your packs. No exceptions! Develop strong leadership skills, to control all aspects of your dog's life. That includes mealtime, walks, playtime, sleeping and when they get attention.

There is 'NO FREE LUNCH" in your pack. Before you nourish your pup, make them "earn" their meal by making them sit and wait around. Before taking your dog for a walk, make "earn" the walk by making them sit and wait to be leashed. If they don't follow, walk away; let them have a minute or two to the associated with connection. Return and repeat the command. They must do what they are informed, before they get what they wish.

Make them move away of your path... don't step over them or walk around them. Make sure they are take a seat and wait until you have walked through the doorway, both going in and out. Feed your most aggressive dog previous. Your canine that display submitter and respect to you and other members of their pack need to be recognized for that behavior. Zero aggressive games such as wrestling or tug-of-war! You never want your dog to challenge you. To them, you must be bigger, better and cleverer!

Be fair, firm and consistent. Never let your dog win. A dog that will challenge you can be a dangerous dog! Never leave two dogs that are susceptible to have "issues" unsupervised. Often, most displays of aggression are done to gain your attention, and over food or gadgets. However, every so often you will see incidents for reasons real or imagined.

In the event the warring dogs must be left alone, individual them in crates or rooms, where they are not able to make eye contact. In the event that the crates cannot be distanced, cover each with a sheet. To shield yourself and your dogs when working on desensitizing exercises, muzzle them if you are the least tad uncomfortable. Your dogs will sense your hesitancy and fear.

Apply positive support, punishment-free training methods. That teaches your dog that certain behaviors work, and they will be compensated with praise, for that particular behavior. On the flip side, it also teaches them certain habit are not tolerated.

Your dog should never be in order to sleep on your foundation or get on the furniture. To their way of thinking, it enhances them in pack position. Never feed your dog from the table. Compliment your puppy for signs of submission. This can be particularly important with assertive/aggressive dogs. Once again, your dog will affiliate that behavior brings rewards.

Socialize your dog all the and as early on as possible. One of the main causes of fearful and or intense dogs is the shortage of socialization. A pup that is socialized during their first 20 several weeks, unless there are medical or genetic problems, will most likely develop into a well-mannered, well-adjusted adult dog.

Desensitize your pup to their fears. Remain quiet. If your puppy or dog appears nervous, disregard them. Go about with whatever you are doing. Your dog is seeing you, their leader of the pack, for signs how to behave. In the event you remain calm, they will associate the situation is not as terrible as they first thought. If you pamper or baby them, you are rewarding negative behavior. You will have a weird, nervous, neurotic, fearful and possibly aggressive dog on your hands.

Don't possible until your puppy/dog develops dangerous, socially disfunctional issues. Sign up for a positive reinforcement, punishment-free obedience class. Find a dog trainer that offers positive reinforcement, punishment-free Puppy dog Kindergarten classes for pups 8-weeks old or over. Presently there you will learn how to hone your authority skills, and share quality bonding time with your puppy/dog.

Some dogs are severely aggressive. Often they will "doggedly" (sorry poor pun! ) resist change. If that is the case with your dog, check with a specialist dog trainer or dog behaviorist, who instruct you how to change your behavior.

Bottom level line: The well-being of your pack is determined by your leadership skills. By your modifying your behavior, your dog will modify their behavior.


Chihuahuas are born with soft spots in their skulls, just like human babies.