in #salvific12 hours ago

Cuando te quieran hacer sentir mal.jpg


There must be many times when we find great peace in the sacrifice of those who, through suffering, can take away a little of the peace that dwells within us, giving thanks to the driving force and promoter of peace. The Lord of Peace is the one who always ends up being that gentle and beautiful soul whose blossoming in your hearts like acres of fruit. Sacrificial pain sometimes speaks of beautiful things. A salvific pain, as this season of Lent reminds us.




Pluries esse debet, cum magnam pacem invenimus in sacrificio eorum qui per passionem aliquantulum pacis, quae in nobis inhabitatur, auferre possunt, gratias agens machinae et pacis auctor. Dominus pacis est qui semper desinit esse illa mitis et pulchra anima, ex qua hectares fructus efflorescit in cordibus vestris. Pulchrae res interdum de dolore sacrificali loquuntur. Dolor salvificus, sicut hoc tempore Quadragesimae nos admonet.

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