Take care of your brain. Cuide su cerebro

in #salud7 years ago

Only with 90 mg per day, Curcumin Supplementation Can Provide Long-Term Cognitive Benefits.
Curcumin, a bioactive ingredient in the turmeric spice, has more than 160 possible therapeutic activities, such as anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective and anticancer benefits.

Solo con 90 mg al dia, La Suplementación Con Curcumina Puede Proporcionar Beneficios Cognitivos a Largo Plazo.
La curcumina, un ingrediente bioactivo en la especia cúrcuma, tiene más de 160 posibles actividades terapéuticas, como beneficios antiinflamatorios, neuroprotectores y anticancerígenos


Your post is very nice,it is really attractive and helpful!!!

Thank you very much

More here www.curcuma.simplesite.com