The Adventures of Sally - Political Career in Ruins
Hellooooooooo folks!
Have I been busy!
My journey from the jungles of the Amazon (not the store, there is no store!) and the wrong turn which took me down to Antarctica (I swear, I saw nothing, really, nothing according to the people down there). Then the really long walk home. It took forrrrevvvver! My legs are only 2 inches long! It wasn't too bad, I kept running into large groups of people walking north, they would get lots of rides. They had lots to say, but I could not understand a word they were saying, so I would just smile and nod. A few times I was mistaken for a soccer ball.
Then there was this nice couple who were trying to convince the man at the US border that I was their child. They kept calling me ancla bebe or something like that. The dude at the border wasn't buying it.
Here's a picture of us!
As you can see Humberto's has a problem with his barn door, either that or his fingers are sore, I don't know. He smelled strange, I think it was the worm water he was drinking. His wife was nice, kept saying to me sue's casa is mez casa.
We parted ways in Tijuana. I hope they are able to get to Sue's house.
Then some politican grabbed me and said - look, they are separating children from parents.
They are not my parents!! I kept screaming at her. She didn't seem to comprehend what I was saying to her? Spacey lady, I think her name was Nancy, she smelled strange too, a little like Humberto but different. Nancy told me she was the same as the president. Really? Boy are we in trouble. I thought if someone that much of a ding can be in government so can I!
So, I got together an exploratory committee and they started digging into my past. We were making plans for the 2020 election when this photo surfaced.

They informed me I would never have a career in politics. I tried to tell them it wasn't me, they didn't believe me. Wonder if I have to give the money back?
Well, that's about it!
Tata for now
Sally S.
Hello. I heard you were in trouble. Need a grant? I have these pennies.

Such a helpful little guy! Even in his current condition, he's always ready to lend a out, he might chip his tooth!
Thank you, so much I just saw that in my wallet.